Things That Are Wrong

Just thinking the same where were her mates? where were the Gardai or security if so many were there on the day?

The real issue here is drink! Particularly the drinking habits of young women in this country. The guys involved are cunts of course, and those posting the pics too, but getting so off your head on drink that you put yourself in that situation is what the real issue is.

she is suicidal, her family are heartbroken and you have no sympathy?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 820846, member: 273”]To an extent. But she is young and stupid and whoever put it in the Internet is the real cunt and I believe they can be done for something or other.

She was in hospital from it wyt, in a bad way. Wouldn’t wish it on her or the family. Her life is over.

What’s really disgusting me is some of the biggest tarts I know up on their high horse about it on FB.[/quote]


she was probably off her head when she done it

he put it on the internet more than likely sober and with clarity

Where are you getting that info from, pal?


[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 820859, member: 80”]+1

she was probably off her head when she done it

he put it on the internet more than likely sober and with clarity[/quote]

Was it a bloke that put it up? Sounds like something a cuntish bird would do, a la that other thing recently.

Clearly she was in an altered state of mind to some extent, but probably not to the extent to excuse her entirely. As for heartbreaking, if you find this heartbreaking you clearly don’t come into contact with disadvantaged people very often.

Anyone sharing this on twitter etc is a cunt though and should be held to some responsibility, fines etc. don’t think there is any criminal offence that will apply though.

Newscaster on radio yesterday said it was a girl that put it.up

Probably one of her mates.

Saw in the Irish Times last night that guards said it was a young girl posted the pictures initially. It also said she, slanegirl, had made a complaint to the guards at the venue about a sexual assault unrelated to the content of the pictures. She was in the care of the guards who contacted her parents to collect her from Slane.
I feel desperately sorry for her and her family

[quote=“Midshipman Asha, post: 820876, member: 1508”]Saw in the Irish Times last night that guards said it was a young girl posted the pictures initially. It also said she, slanegirl, had made a complaint to the guards at the venue about a sexual assault unrelated to the content of the pictures. She was in the care of the guards who contacted her parents to collect her from Slane.
I feel desperately sorry for her and her family[/quote]

Course it fucking was. Swt.
It is very wrong how much birds hate each other.

Ya, very possible.

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 820869, member: 1533”]Clearly she was in an altered state of mind to some extent, but probably not to the extent to excuse her entirely. As for heartbreaking, if you find this heartbreaking you clearly don’t come into contact with disadvantaged people very often.

Anyone sharing this on twitter etc is a cunt though and should be held to some responsibility, fines etc. don’t think there is any criminal offence that will apply though.[/quote]

Fella I work with footballers who haven’t a fucking thing. Making our League team is the only hope some of them have of having a reasonable life and have no support system whatsoever. There is some serious poverty here.

Bradley Manning - the wiki leaker - jailed for 35 years this morning has announced that he is to undergo hormone treatment therapy and considers himself a female and from now on would like to be referred to as Chelsea Manning.

Probably not the best thing to announce before heading off to prison?!?!?

[quote=“Scrunchie, post: 820894, member: 1408”]Bradley Manning - the wiki leaker - jailed for 35 years this morning has announced that he is to undergo hormone treatment therapy and considers himself a female and from now on would like to be referred to as Chelsea Manning.

Probably not the best thing to announce before heading off to prison?!?!?[/quote]
Perhaps he believes he’s making the best of a bad situation?

[quote=“Piles Hussain, post: 820879, member: 363”]Course it fucking was. Swt.
It is very wrong how much birds hate each other.[/quote]

Birds are all into this Slut Shaming at the moment. Basically taking pictures of women doing slutty stuff then posting the picture online so they can all abuse the poor girl. Birds are just fuckin evil to each other.