Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 839714, member: 686”]Thats the nub of the issue. First impressions last… Its a a real problem.


I’ve been looking at all sorts of stuff since I was 15 and I’m fine.


How about if you saw it when you were were 9 or 10?

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 839780, member: 686”]15…

How about if you saw it when you were were 9 or 10?[/quote]

I’d probably be in jail, in fairness.

Sharing a cell with @Jugs .

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 839794, member: 129”]I’d probably be in jail, in fairness.

Sharing a cell with @Jugs .[/quote]
surley you mean @miggs

Another hum drum droll of an interview on OTB at moment thats trying delve deep into the O’Gara/Sexton relationship.

Who gives a fuck.


[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 839815, member: 686”]Another hum drum droll of an interview on OTB at moment thats trying delve deep into the O’Gara/Sexton relationship.

Who gives a fuck.

Unbelievable the amount of coverage given to this. Two horrible cunts that didn’t like each other due to them competing for the same job. It’s hardly Jean Paul fucking Sartre & Simone de Beauvoir in its complexity.

Russian Drivers.

This case came to my attention a couple of weeks ago but verdict in now.

There is so much wrong about this - a 4 year old so undernourished that they were wearing a babygro for a 9 month is horrible. The conviction for manslaughter, as opposed to murder, seems exceptionally lenient on the face of it. Also shows the circumstances some people are raised in - and while the actions of the mother are absolutely horrific, you can have little doubt that the remaining children will be extremely troubled, likely to be offenders, and will be villified by the same media that are (rightly) outraged by the actions of their mother.

Amanda Hutton found guilty of starving four-year-old son to death

A Bradford woman has been found guilty of starving her four-year-old son to death and leaving his corpse to mummify in a cot in her bedroom.
Amanda Hutton, a 43-year-old mother, was responsible for the manslaughter of Hamzah Khan through gross neglect, a jury at Bradford crown court found.
After the verdict police described her as an “obstructive” woman who refused offers of help and went to great lengths to conceal Hamzah’s death in December 2009.
Hutton showed no emotion as the foreman announced the jury’s verdict.
It can now be reported that Hutton had eight children who were aged between five and 22 when Hamzah’s body was found in her bedroom almost two years after he died.
His remains were mummified, mouldy and swarming with insects when police discovered them in September 2011. Though aged four and a half at the time of his death, Hamzah was so malnourished that he was wearing a babygro meant for a baby no older than nine months.
Five children aged between five and 11 were found by police when they searched the house. Bradford crown court heard that the children were malnourished, with head lice and fungal infections in their nails. Some were wearing nappies despite being of school age, and appeared to crawl upstairs using their hands rather than walking.

Bradford council said none of the children were on an “at risk” register or child protection plan when Hamzah died.
A source close to Bradford children’s services insisted this case was “not another Pelka”, a reference to four-year-old Daniel Pelka, who was murdered by his mother and stepfather after they abused and tortured him for years. An independent review into that case ruled that teachers, health professionals, social workers and police officers had treated four-year-old Daniel as if he was invisible.
A spokeswoman for Bradford council said a serious case review into Hamzah’s death had been carried out but would not be published until all legal proceedings, including a forthcoming inquest, had taken place.
The court had heard that Hutton was a “nasty drunk” who killed Hamzah through her “terrible failures” as an alcohol-addicted mother.
She came to court so drunk on Monday morning that she was unfit to give evidence and had to be brought into court by the police, the jury was told.
Taking the stand on Tuesday – a day later than planned – she angrily denied putting alcohol before her children and insisted she did not neglect Hamzah so badly that he died.

She said her spiral into alcoholism had begun only after Hamzah died on 15 December 2009. Experts have told the court that the boy probably died of malnutrition. Hutton claimed Hamzah was a “faddy eater” who was always underweight but that she had assumed he would “grow out of it”.
Another of her sons, Qaiser, now 22, [U]gave evidence for the prosecution[/U], accusing Hutton of child neglect. He claimed Hamzah slept upright in a urine-soaked buggy that “stank” and that he once saw his little brother eating the contents of his own dirty nappy.
The court heard that Hutton refused help from health visitors as well as the police. She rarely answered the door to visitors, only opening up when police threatened to break her door down in September 2011 after an officer noticed dead flies on her window sill.
Hutton was well known to police because of her turbulent 22-year relationship with Aftab Khan, the father of all eight children.
Detective Superintendent Lisa Griffin, the senior investigating officer in the police inquiry, said: "Amanda Hutton had many opportunities to accept the support that was offered to her, and many opportunities to engage with the professionals that are there to support her and her family and she chose not to.
“She was obstructive, she was difficult and she failed in her ability to parent that child, to look after his basic needs and sadly he died in the most difficult of circumstances.”
The detective insisted that police had supported Hutton every time she made a complaint and in every instance alerted social services.
She added: “Amanda has presented as an obstructive person who has gone to great lengths to conceal the death of her child and has been obstructive to police officers and all the other services on a number of occasions.”
A spokeswoman for Bradford council disputed the police claim that it had referred Hutton to social services whenever she had made an allegation of domestic violence.
“The police have not made referrals,” she said. “They send notifications to all West Yorkshire councils of all domestic violence incidents.”
She confirmed none of the eight children were on the “at risk” register or child protection plan.
Hutton said she started seeing Khan, a taxi driver and mechanic, when she was about 16 or 17 years old, and that he was violent towards her throughout their relationship. The jury heard there were records dating back to 1996 of Khan allegedly assaulting Hutton, but that until December 2008 she had withdrawn every complaint. She stayed with him because she loved him, she said.
Under cross-examination she accepted that other women with violent partners had managed to bring up healthy children who were not neglected. She insisted she was not blaming Hamzah’s death on the domestic violence she suffered, saying: “It was just background information.”
Hutton told the court that she moved house after Khan attacked her and her oldest son, Tariq, now 24, in December 2008. Khan eventually pleaded guilty to one charge of battery after Hutton appeared in court to give evidence against him.
In an interview with the Guardian this week, Khan denied being a violent man but said he felt guilty about Hamzah’s death. “I feel guilty. Of course I should have done more,” he said. “I feel responsibility as a father. But this [Hamzah’s death] was nothing to do with me. It’s clear cut. Believe me, if police had any evidence I’d been involved I’d be in that dock too.”
He said social services had to accept some responsibility for failing Hamzah. “But to be fair to them, [Hutton] hid this well.”
He said she prevented him from seeing Hamzah throughout the 21 months he was lying dead, but insisted he tried to raise the alarm before the boy’s death. The jury heard that Khan had indeed urged police to check on the children’s welfare, after he was arrested for the December 2008 assault. The court heard no evidence that a check ever took place. A year later, Hamzah was dead.
On the day he died, Hutton had gone out to the supermarket. She said she planned to ask a pharmacist for advice on Hamzah’s plummeting weight, though another of her children said she had gone to buy materials for the other child’s school project.
Hutton recalled rushing home when Tariq phoned, saying Hamzah’s eyes were “rolling back in his head”.
She denied a claim made by one of her children that she stopped to buy cigarettes on the way home, and insisted she had not phoned for a takeaway pizza and curry within hours of Hamzah’s death – despite not calling for an ambulance.
Tariq has pleaded guilty to preventing the lawful burial of a child and will be sentenced alongside his mother this week.
In addition to her manslaughter conviction, Hutton had already pleaded guilty to five charges of child neglect relating to Hamzah’s school-age siblings.

Mother of fuck.

She looks pretty normal in that photo. What a cunt

Whole story just reminded me of this,fucked up.

That’s horrific, what is wrong with these kind of people?

That is unreal fucked up.

Fucked up

These cunts should be neutered


That sums it up for me.

That poor child.

What’s the story with this Tariq lad? Surely he was of an age that could have done more.

Also manslaughter? That is incredibly lenient.

Intent would have been hard to prove for murder i imagine, but the bitch should burn, she will eventually.

Cunts. Utter utter cunts

Cunt of The Year 2012 really is promoting another run at it this year with this shit. :mad:

Cunts that wear a backpack solely as a fashion item… Imagine walking around with an empty school bag just for the look!

It’s manslaughter minimum anyway. That woman was severely fucked up.