Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 854171, member: 24”]Credit card machines that only require you to scan it to take the money off.

It is probably for low value transactions but it still is pretty insecure.[/quote]

Sub tenner I think and only for laser. V secure I’d imagine.

Sub 15 Dan.

Thank for clarification Fagan

No problem Dan.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 854171, member: 24”]Credit card machines that only require you to scan it to take the money off.

It is probably for low value transactions but it still is pretty insecure.[/quote]

Its quicker

Hey Ball.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 854209, member: 24”]It’s Things That Are Wrong.

That’s what you’re meant to do.

Sure you were moaning about Movember only a while ago, you insufferable boring gobshite.[/quote]
ah fuck off and regale us with your tales of woe and your shite music,
ill tell you what is wrong, you, you cunt , you are wrong, you have no qualities as a poster and no redeemable features whatsoever, you are a waste of space, write a fucking song about it why dont you? but id say you’re shit at that as well

While on the subject of correcting your original post, I believe that Laser cards can’t do this and that is one of the reasons they are being replaced by debit cards from Visa/MasterCard.

Possibly. They will always be lasers to me. Regardless.

Name and shame.

The 51, on Haddington Rd.

Fuck right off, my Romanista pal.


I was in there Tuesday evening and one of the lads with us asked for a bag of cheeses and onion to go with his pint. He was informed by the barman that they didn’t do bags of crisps only little tubes of Pringles.

Shameful stuff.

[quote=“Sandymount Red, post: 854640, member: 1074”]I was in there Tuesday evening and one of the lads with us asked for a bag of cheeses and onion to go with his pint. He was informed by the barman that they didn’t do bags of crisps only little tubes of Pringles.

Shameful stuff.[/quote]
What a shithole.

Being awoken at 6 in the morning by a violent thunder and lightning storm. I’ve damn near soiled myself.

Ncc/wild colonial/ peter g and the cast of thousands plugging away at it.
It’s a bit like the wife being the last one to find out and everyone is looking on to see how long it takes for the penny to drop

[quote=“twiceasnice97, post: 854781, member: 1061”]Ncc/wild colonial/ peter g and the cast of thousands plugging away at it.
It’s a bit like the wife being the last one to find out and everyone is looking on to see how long it takes for the penny to drop[/quote]


Denial is part of the problem. The board is behind you. There was a time when you would have been lobbed into a home for the bewildered by now but we have moved on from that as a people.