Things That Are Wrong

That one really depends on who you are. If I meet @Bandage at lunch and tell him he was the manager of Fingal and then tell him he’s not, that’s not going to bother him too much. If I’m a county board chairman, it’s probably worse.

Original Source raspberry and vanilla shower gel. Smells fantastic. But you’d think from the scent it couldn’t but taste nice. So I tried a bit this morning and it was terribly soapy.

You do. Same coach, split groups, same mat & ring. How hard is that to get your head around.

I wouldn’t have to have any personal experience to know what you were saying was idiotic, narrow minded & immature.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 859590, member: 273”]You do. Same coach, split groups, same mat & ring. How hard is that to get your head around.

I wouldn’t have to have any personal experience to know what you were saying was idiotic, narrow minded & immature.[/quote]

No, you backtracked and acknowledged your situation wasn’t the same as the examples I cited given you’re not doing the activity together. But if you were rolling around a mat with your missus and then boring everyone about the beautiful journey you’re taking together then that would be absolutely ridiculous.

But we are doing it together, as together as anyone doing triathlons or mountain climbing or anything else like that can be done together. Basically you wanted to show off how manly you are and ended up looking like an insecure twaat. Just leave it go, I was probably a bit like that in my late teens/early 20’s, you are not unique. It dawns on you some day then how retarded that attitude is. I was just trying to speed up the process for you seeing as your about 8-10 years behind as it is.

Newsflash: It’s not insecure to have no interest in doing a triathlon with your missus.

But make sure you’re not suffocating her as this may be something she’d like to do on her own. You come across as controlling and possessive.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 859600, member: 9”]Newsflash: It’s not insecure to have no interest in doing a triathlon with your missus.

But make sure you’re not suffocating her as this may be something she’d like to do on her own. You come across as controlling and possessive.[/quote]


@Bandage, maybe you could try online dating pal?

[quote=“Bandage, post: 859600, member: 9”]Newsflash: It’s not insecure to have no interest in doing a triathlon with your missus.

But make sure you’re not suffocating her as this may be something she’d like to do on her own. You come across as controlling and possessive.[/quote]

What’s insecure is you throwing out the bravado about what some other lad is doing with his woman. What’s sad is you can’t see it at 30 odd. But carry on, I’m off to read my girlfriends texts.

I have my water bottle beside me on my desk and it is full and the water is cold so I must have filled it in the last hour yet I have absolutely no recollection of filling it. The oul head is fucked I’d say.

Which sites worked best for you to find an exercise partner, pal? bandage

I can’t help you much more.

It’s not bravado. It’s simply that going on a 20km run with your missus as part of joint marathon preparation is wrong. And I have 4 “agree” ratings to prove this.

I tend to meet girls through friends, at social events, or in bars. That’s not for everyone though and you may meet someone online with whom you can share your interests and find happiness instead spending so much effort trying to be scornful of others and trying to convince yourself that you find satisfaction in dogsbody business trips to London and monogrammed shirts. I know there is a lonely heart of gold under there pal.

Wonderfully put. The reason I bother is I think the same. But Bandage believes he has to be a certain type of man in front if his friends. Seen it all Before.

You might need to find you friends bandage if they are holding you back fella.

That’s wonderful for you, pal. Very well done indeed and I believe you even kissed a Spanish girl in a Dublin bar too. You appear to be a real hit with the ladies. :clap:

It actually didn’t take any effort to ridicule people who like to run through rivers with their birds but I really didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. Being scornful is a bit much - it was a mere observation - but I will scorn not your simplicity.

As an aside (1), I’m one of the most respected project financiers in Britain and Ireland.

As an aside (2), I bet you’ve played and enjoyed tag rugby football.

That’s very harsh Glas.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 859613, member: 9”]That’s wonderful for you, pal. Very well done indeed and I believe you even kissed a Spanish girl in a Dublin bar too. You appear to be a real hit with the ladies. :clap:

It actually didn’t take any effort to ridicule people who like to run through rivers with their birds but I really didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. Being scornful is a bit much - it was a mere observation - but I will scorn not your simplicity.

As an aside (1), I’m one of the most respected project financiers in Britain and Ireland.

As an aside (2), I bet you’ve played and enjoyed tag rugby football.[/quote]
Perhaps you can aspire to something similar one day pal.

I’ve no doubt your colleagues across the pond respect you as a big fish in a very small pond. Why someone as clearly witty, genial, and successful as you comes across as quite so bitter is a but worrying though, hence my gentle intervention.

I’ve never played tag rugby but don’t have any problem with it. It seems to be a good way to socialise and meet people for some people. It might be a good way for you to expand your social circle as Kev recommended.