Things That Are Wrong

[SIZE=5]The teenage son of a Fianna Fail councillor who died suddenly in October was co-opted onto Waterford City Council last night.[/SIZE]
Married father-of-four Gary Wyse (50) was found slumped at the wheel of his car after suffering a heart attack.

At a Fianna Fail convention at Waterford Institute of Technology on Tuesday last, Adam Wyse (19) “was proposed, seconded and elected into the seat with no opposition” according to party member and local businessman, Declan Conway.

Mr Wyse, who is in his 2nd year studying Business in WIT, said age is not an issue when it comes to his new job.

“It doesn’t make much difference to me. My main objective is to help people. Age isn’t a requirement,” he said.

“My biggest struggle will be to convince people that I’ll be able to do it.”

Balancing study and council work shouldn’t be too much work, according to Mr Wyse.

Mr Wyse, who is not thinking of local elections just yet, said there is a number of projects his father had started that he wants to continue, as well as promoting youth employment and youth in politics.

“The response has been good. My family are very proud of me. They think I’ll do well. So do I.”

Mr Conway, who was a close personal friend of Cllr Wyse, yesterday said: “Gary would have been very, very proud and would have loved to see him doing it. It takes a lot of nerve to go into a council at 19.”

Adam Wyse is the youngest member of Waterford City Councillor, if not the youngest in the country at present.

I’m all for young people in government but this nepotism bullshit is sickening

Drunk knackers roaring at other drunk knackers on the dart in the morning

@Bisto was only having some friendly banter with his brother.

A legal professional using the dart?

Yep, they also use buses, trains, cars and in extreme cases, walk

Clowns posting in the Nightwatchman thread in the middle of the day.
Whatever about the likes of @Horsebox[/USER] but @[USER=1137]chewy louie should know better.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 872972, member: 1786”]Clowns posting in the Nightwatchman thread in the middle of the day.
Whatever about the likes of @Horsebox[/USER] but @[USER=1137]chewy louie should know better.[/quote]

Just because Limerick Gaa is a laughing stock and TAN has ye all rattled there is no need to go around trying to find ways to have pops off me.

Absolutely there is.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 872972, member: 1786”]Clowns posting in the Nightwatchman thread in the middle of the day.
Whatever about the likes of @Horsebox[/USER] but @[USER=1137]chewy louie should know better.[/quote]
I’ll cut your fucking throat you little prick.

No you won’t

Red wine. My fucking head is throbbing

So right going down though.

I’d say you’re great at going down yourself.

I’ll get me coat.

Oh no you didnt :eek:

:eek: :eek:

Mbb fantasising about getting blown by kev, very wrong

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 873008, member: 180”]I’d say you’re great at going down yourself.

I’ll get me coat.[/quote]
I’ve had no complaints.


Aboy the kid!

Classic @fartholey

:eek: :wink:

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 873017, member: 180”]Classic @fartholey

:eek: ;)[/quote]

Changes nothing funboy