Things That Are Wrong



I’d say myboyblue is harder than Connaughton alright…

Depends on who she is.

Cunts blowing the horns on their car for no reason.

I got into a nasty gestural (word?) exchange with a taxi driver in Dublin over Christmas. I had parked in a designated spot but I had to travel across a bus lane to get there. As I went to move out I nudged into the bus lane to see if there was anything coming. The cunt was way back on the bus lane and only had to nudge out into the ordinary lane for a second as there was no traffic. The cunt started blowing the horn and flashing the lights. I replied with a two fingered salute.

Just there at lunchtime I noticed two more incidents:

  • A van speeding up when an elderly lady was crossing the road and blowing the horn.
  • A car, who clearly went into the wrong lane and was attempting to rectify the error being subject to a barage of noise. As if that had never happened to any of those cunts.

I really hate people sometimes.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 884447, member: 24”]Cunts blowing the horns on their car for no reason.

I got into a nasty gestural (word?) exchange with a taxi driver in Dublin over Christmas. I had parked in a designated spot but I had to travel across a bus lane to get there. As I went to move out I nudged into the bus lane to see if there was anything coming. The cunt was way back on the bus lane and only had to nudge out into the ordinary lane for a second as there was no traffic. The cunt started blowing the horn and flashing the lights. I replied with a two fingered salute.

You were well in the wrong there farmer. Do you have a full licence?

Was thinking that myself :popcorn:

That’s like Francis Benali criticising Lionel Messi.

A country fellow trying to pass his beef stew off as Beef Bourguignon just because he happened to pour half a bottle of wine into it.

Beef Bourguignon is a peasant dish

The “s” peeling off from “speedo” on my swimming togs and walking past a kids swimming class.

Fucking @Fran

[quote=“Bandage, post: 90280, member: 9”]I’ll start.

A group of lads going out for a meal together.[/quote]

Not wrong.



The ENTIRE foundation for this thread has been fundamentally questioned!

Damascus 10 miles ----->

How you have matured over the years, soon you will be posting up recipes on the Ravenous thread


I expect @Bandage is referring to lads having the 51 €12 meal deal here.

Eddie Veddar solo tickets for Perth, 235 dollars a shot. Where is the social responsibility there. Has he packed it in with the ordinary folk? Quite easily could be the organizers, but Edfie has been a long time hero of mine and a great social activist, this seems so out of kilter.

Wasnt he ranting and raving about ticketmaster ripping off fans, back in the 90s?

Souptaking cunt