Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 885968, member: 273”]Eh where did I say you couldn’t find one for that price?

Was a holiday working visa making 120 k a year? Cos that’s what they want you to have to get one. And if he’s got one and not on 120k then he is living beyond his means, thus being a retard.[/quote]

You also said certain tradesmen were on 90 an hour in Perth. Even if they were getting half that in Sydney that would be close to 120k a year.

Ya permanent residents though are the only ones given high end apartment rents etc these days in both cities. Which was my point really, but Fran has indicated since he was one. I had wrongly assumed he wasn’t.

Tradesmen in Sydney are not making the same money I am led to believe. Nowhere near it.

Fair enough. You can send on my apologies.

Probably down to their hiring policy

Australia is fucked alright. They have started the belief building houses will sustain the country. Now where did I see that before.

Was it in ireland kev?

I went out to my car at 7.30am this morning to go to work but try as I may it would not start (this is the first time I’ve had such trouble with it). There was serious frost out there at the time, ice all over the roads, and the car windows were totally white with frost/ice. I had to get a taxi so as not to be too late. I finished up work a bit early as I decided it didn’t look so bad out the window and I would walk the 5 miles back to the house rather than get a taxi again. As I did not forecast any problems getting to work this morning I had no coat, warm jumper or other similar attire on my person. Well as soon as I left the office to start the walk back I knew I was fucked as it was arctic outside. I was too stubborn/mean to swallow my pride and pay for a taxi so kept going. I am here now with the sniffles and the onset of a cough, my hands were actually numb turning the key in the door. Oh and the car still won’t start. I’m sitting here now drinking beer.

Has Bertie been out there advising the Australian government on growing their economy.:slight_smile:

No jump leads, pal?

Why are you working on a Sunday you heathen?

Lapsed poster @The Dunph used to work the occasional Sunday as well and also tell yarns very similar to the one above

You thought that too eh. TFK, you can check out anytime you like.


Yes, please do as a favour and check out of here.

A gormless reply, tis him alright. How big was the ladder?

I take it the Dunph regularly wiped the floor with you as well then.

The only thing that buffoon regularly wiped was his plate. But you’d know that wouldn’t you old buddy?

The Dunph had a very important public service role

Why would he wipe his plate? Here who is that stupid looking cunt in your avatar?

Yep, just as gormless alright.