Things That Are Wrong

Bank of Ireland.

Cashiers refusing point blank to lodge money for any customers, including the elderly, and pointing them towards a machine that the poor people don’t know how to use, or are afraid to use.

Depsite these people being CUSTOMERS of the bank.

All to save a few bob presumably.

Cunts are fumbling in the greasy till.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 886794, member: 24”]Bank of Ireland.

Cashiers refusing point blank to lodge money for any customers, including the elderly, and pointing them towards a machine that the poor people don’t know how to use, or are afraid to use.

Depsite these people being CUSTOMERS of the bank.

All to save a few bob presumably.

Cunts are fumbling in the greasy till.[/quote]

The main BOI branch in Limerick now only has 3 teller windows, there was previously 8, the other 5 have been replaced with a row of machines. There are crazy queues inside there if you need to go to the counter.
They also won’t accept any lodgements from businesses, everything has to be done through the machines. The local branch of BOI only accepts lodgements on a Thursday or something. Jokeshop.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 886798, member: 1786”]The main BOI branch in Limerick now only has 3 teller windows, there was previously 8, the other 5 have been replaced with a row of machines. There are crazy queues inside there if you need to go to the counter.
They also won’t accept any lodgements from businesses, everything has to be done through the machines. The local branch of BOI only accepts lodgements on a Thursday or something. Jokeshop.[/quote]

My mam is worrying that she can’t lodge money. I told her to ask the cashiers to lodge it and if they refuse I will ring them and give them a bollocking. I feel a bit bad as they are only probably following orders but something needs to be said.


[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 886811, member: 24”]My mam is worrying that she can’t lodge money. I told her to ask the cashiers to lodge it and if they refuse I will ring them and give them a bollocking. I feel a bit bad as they are only probably following orders but something needs to be said.


I know a cashier and they are now getting dogs abuse all day, every day from annoyed customers.

This is the sort of kickstart our economy badly needed. Money tied up in current accounts won’t restore Ireland to an economic powerhouse. If we all have to spend all we have then we’ll be flying again in no time.

The banks don’t want Granny’s in and out all day. Lodging and withdrawing their few pence. Unfortunate as it may be you’ll make no money from that.

CU is your only man for those types. A lot of the bigger ones are now offering Debit Cards etc. these days.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 886811, member: 24”]My mam is worrying that she can’t lodge money. I told her to ask the cashiers to lodge it and if they refuse I will ring them and give them a bollocking. I feel a bit bad as they are only probably following orders but something needs to be said.


Good luck getting to speak to someone in the branch to give a bollocking to. It’ll be some poor numpty in the call centre.

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 886824, member: 332”]The banks don’t want Granny’s in and out all day. Lodging and withdrawing their few pence. Unfortunate as it may be you’ll make no money from that.

CU is your only man for those types. A lot of the bigger ones are now offering Debit Cards etc. these days.[/quote]

Those ‘types’ shouldn’t have to go anywhere. The banks would have gone under a couple of years ago lest not forget so they are in no position to be picking and choosing their customer.

Shower of cunts.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 886830, member: 24”]Those ‘types’ shouldn’t have to go anywhere. The banks would have gone under a couple of years ago lest not forget so they are in no position to be picking and choosing their customer.

Shower of cunts.[/quote]

But sure they have now been told they are the “Pillar Banks”. That they are the ones keeping the whole show on the road and we are lucky to have them.

Blaming a bank because your auld wan isn’t tech savvy and lacks basic IT skills is bizarre. The Irish Countrywomen’s Association has been providing IT courses to members for years.

Next he’ll be complaining that there’s nowhere for her to leave the horse since they put in car parking spaces where the water trough used to be.

in fairness to the cashiers, they have had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the changes being made, and in most cases in these branches, people were made redundant for the FBM machines to take their place.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 886830, member: 24”]Those ‘types’ shouldn’t have to go anywhere. The banks would have gone under a couple of years ago lest not forget so they are in no position to be picking and choosing their customer.

Shower of cunts.[/quote]

I’m with you Farmer but then we’d be on complaining about how they aren’t getting back to profit quick enough.

I’d say we have mutual friends, pal. I know the same person.


The new laws in QLD and now coming to WA where cops can lock up anyone for even having a suspicion they are involved with or hanging around any Bikies or bikie premesis or any percirved bikie (or any known suspected criminal gang) event. Apartment ly a few people picked up already have pretty slim links and the cops are pushing them for info (that came from a WA cop privately).

It’s an outrageous robbery of people’s liberties. Why don’t these useless cunts actually police and try and catch criminals. There is absolutely no doubt the WA Police will abuse these laws.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 886905, member: 273”]The new laws in QLD and now coming to WA where cops can lock up anyone for even having a suspicion they are involved with or hanging around any Bikies or bikie premesis or any percirved bikie (or any known suspected criminal gang) event. Apartment ly a few people picked up already have pretty slim links and the cops are pushing them for info (that came from a WA cop privately).

It’s an outrageous robbery of people’s liberties. Why don’t these useless cunts actually police and try and catch criminals. There is absolutely no doubt the WA Police will abuse these laws.[/quote]

Well needed kev, theres some awful cunts going around QLD on fixies. Id nearly mandate the cops to TASEr the fuckers

Can they lock up drunken abbos if they like?

Dumb cunts apologising to spidey on the murders thread.

  1. Its a friends brother so not his loss.
  2. The fucker has fred and rose west as his avatar

[quote=“artfoley, post: 886918, member: 179”]Dumb cunts apologising to spidey on the murders thread.

  1. Its a friends brother so not his loss.
  2. The fucker has fred and rose west as his avatar[/quote]
