Things That Are Wrong

Did he weigh the same as a duck?

You’re taking the piss out of the death of a beloved pet?

He was going on yesterday before the game how it was win win, as his players would get good experience playing a top team away. Pretty much conceding defeat before the game started. Cunt.

The local chinese or the freezer aisle in tesco.

This neck nomination thing that is all over my timeline on my social media page. Some of them are funny alright but in the main it’s very lame.

It is a chain letter. Lads at that age should grow a pair.

+1, he was saying in a press conference the other day that it would be a dream come true to manage United

Mourinho complaining about West Ham’s negative tactics last night. Hypocrite warning!

Fucking cunt.

[quote=“briantinnion, post: 895118, member: 6”]Mourinho complaining about West Ham’s negative tactics last night. Hypocrite warning!

Fucking cunt.[/quote]

“Inter were accused in some quarters of playing overly negative football in Barcelona”

Being the only poor cunt in Singapore working on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

[quote=“briantinnion, post: 895118, member: 6”]Mourinho complaining about West Ham’s negative tactics last night. Hypocrite warning!

Fucking cunt.[/quote]

No different to what Chelsea did against Arsenal and United. And will probably do against Citeh next week.

Hopefully each of the cunts involved in this die roaring

Will you go mad tonight?

Wallace used to support Juve but now wears Torino gear to work. You can’t just go around changing the team you support…unless you’re a TFK member.

Fucking IT departments.

Rang some moron called Gary to get a simple email reset done and he tells me to email my request to him.

Took him about 5 minutes to grasp the concept that my email was bollixed and how did he expect me to mail him when I had no access.

He then felt the wrath…

incorrect, he was never a Juve fan. He used to go to Turin so I think it was assumed it was for Juve. He used to always bring the Youths teams out to Turin and play Torino. He also used to wear a big torino managers coat when managing the Youths teams. He wrote a big piece on it around the time of that picture MBB posted happend, last September or October. will try find it.

edit: here it is

For the record, I am a Toro supporter. I have a season ticket with Torino and I stand on the second tier of the curva nord. I do not have a Juve season ticket. I have been to new Juve stadium once – and that was for Italia/ Czech Republic game. I go to 6 or 7 Toro games each season. So far this year I have been to see Toro/Milan, Toro/Juve, and next Sunday, I will go to Toro/Roma. I eat and drink in Caffe Rossini on Corsa Regina Margherita- a Toro bar.
I am a big fan of Italia Football and I have attended every World Cup championship and Euro championship since 1982 except for one! always going to the Italia games. I am a football coach in Ireland, have long studied Italian coaching, and I formed a new club in Ireland called the ‘Wexford Youths’ – we are amateur and play in our version of Serie B. We are best known for our under age teams which is the biggest priority of the club. For the last 16 years at Easter, I bring a group of under 16 players to play in a tournament in Torino, and sometimes we have linked up with Toro academies to improve the technique of our players. I have been visiting Torino regularly for almost 25 years- My sister Mary lives in San Mauro. I became very attached to the Toro club mostly because of their fans- I find them to be socially minded and for me, the Toro fans are the heart and soul of the city of Torino, a city I love very much.

That picture was taken today

he must have wore it again so. He wore it in the dail sometime last year and thats why he penned the above piece in a shanesque type post to try prove how big a fan he is.

edit: found it, it was a training jersey he wore the last time. went the whole hog this time around so

Mick is an alright sort.