Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

We just don’t commonly have grey water catchment in our homes or even a concept.

They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot

They Pavee’d paradise and put up a parking lot

Mid afternoon naps.

I’ve taken to going for a 40 minute snooze in the afternoon. Jaysus it’s good for the soul


I’m all for the siesta

A halting site ?

Twould and half the drive with it

Problem is sleeping at night then tho. Nap at all and I’m goosed that night, no nodding off.

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You can tell the fellas with fuck all to do

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List a few of them

The view from my balcony

Greggs Greggs Greggs

I can’t wait til it opens.

I’d murder a daycent cup o’ccino right now.

I’m half getting the hang of the gaggia cc @backinatracksuit, but it’s a right faff.

Applied for my driving licence renewal on Tuesday. Got it in the post today. Fuck me but that’s good service


It’s a superb service. When mine was up for renewal last year they sent out the form I needed to fill in a few weeks in advance of the renewal date. A simple thing but much appreciated at the time.

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I did it all on line. I had to change my address and rang them up. Got through straight away, had bantz around hurling with some Tipp bird and like I said, licence with me today.

Do you have the public services card? I had a look at renewing online, but I think I needed a PSC to be able to do it.

I do indeed! I did my civic duty and got one around two years ago