Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

The new shape cans of Coca Cola taste nicer than the old style for some reason.

Near tears here.


Have you a swimming pool as well?

And what installer put that flue blowing carbon monoxide all over your balcony?

Reason being we are easily influenced by marketing?

That’s a wood burner we fitted after.
No swimming pool, I’d never use it.
Looked at a house with one a while back and the whole place reeked of damp and chlorine and the like. Bleh

There’s still a good few confident guys posting here who haven’t hidden their profiles. What’s up with that?

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And thus is even better. I have said before, I heard this piece played live in a beautiful setting and it will stay with me forever

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Some wag once described the oboe as
“An ill woodwind that nobody blows good”


Wouldn’t know how to hide it to be honest.

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Why do people hide them in the first place? I must have missed this development

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It all started when a swivel eyed loon started posting links to posts here on on twitter. Said person then realised they had serious dirt in their previous posts and hid their profile to make it harder for people to find this dirt.


What is everybody else afraid of? It seems that many of the long time posters have hidden their profiles, I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see that @The_Selfish_Giant isn’t hiding anything

Agreed, bizarre behaviour.

I did it to piss off that tracksuit gimp

I have nothing to hide.

I’m an innocent man

So did I and you’re right.

Hiding a profile on an anonymous website is bizarre behaviour


I have an oboe here, I play it a bit. Nice little instrument. The reeds are expensive though and hard to get in Ireland.