Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I suppose your at nathin in the border area without a portable fuel tank


Not rocket science & some deal at that price.

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Most families will have 1 or even 2 of them lying idle at the backs of haggards alright.

They are only called upon occasionally but your only man for the chape kerosene… You’d want a Jeep to pull 2 full tanks though, some folk will bring a neighbour’s tank if they were at other tasks.

Where there’s a deal there’s a way.

Shur’ paying 43c when you can get it for 24c is madness. 2 hours covers the process including a root about for other " competitively priced" merchandise.


And all the fun…

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Lovely hurling Boxty.

Long way from Askeaton to Fenagh

It’s not too bad, right in Ballingarry and then up and down through Ballinruane woods. You’d be there in 25 mins.


Bring the aul mountain bike

There’s a business in that lad. Do you deliver?

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Limerick just isn’t a viable option at the moment. Call us after the C-19 debacle ends.

Irish people contributing funds to Native American tribes during COVID-19 because Native Americans helped out the Irish during the Famine.



They are a most wonderful people. I spent some time in Navajo reservations and they would invite you into their home. They are hard pressed at the best of times and deserve every bit of support.


Presumably those who donated from Ireland knew of the link.

Fair play to them.

Apparently those who contributed are monsters because these Native Americans aren’t those Native Americans. It’s a whole thing it seems. We might need to take all the money back in fact.

Leave it in the trailer handy for the pikeys to whip instead of getting their little handies soiled

It’s Leitrim folk we’re talking about here, most rustics are armed and adhere to the Nally ruling when there’s a whisper of nere-do-wells such as those you referenced.
Of course anyone leaving a full tank sitting on a trailer would be deemed to be:

I). An utter simpleton (a rarity hereabouts).
II). Contemplating an insurance scam.


Insurance up to date :grin:?,
Safe oul county then?
Smallie has ( had!?) A deb’s coming up with one of ye’re locals, but have the big do organised for Monaghan town, font know why, probably scuppered now(hopefully)

Almost 50 posts in the Leitrim GAA thread tonight. Great reminiscing from the usual suspects including a brief intervention from TDB.

Mayo, the cunts, are lucky the altercation in Pairc an Eilfant Bán is deferred… :pint:

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