Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

In oireland you could though.

And the gang rapes

I wouldn’t know about them lads mate, perhaps you could enlighten the board.

Jeeves must be seething.

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You’re a dog wallah these days.

India is the rape capital of the world

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Not sure if the right thread but whatever. I find the odd posting here cathartic and as good a place as any to jot down some thoughts. I found I had jotted things down on these pages about my dad I had forgotten and was good to remember.

I’ve kept a journal of last few days to remember as much as I can of these times). I’ll properly write it up and keep it at some stage.

We were called into hospital yesterday afternoon as my dad was very unwell (he did not know he was as he does not feel heart racing). Visiting is restricted during Covid so only visitors are allowed if end of life or critical. It was just my mam and two sisters. Two in Ag a time to him. Nurse nearly had a kiniption when she saw my two kids and they were ran out of the place.

I had decided going in that it was the day to have the Deathbed chat with my father, to ask him about his life and to tell him impact he had on me and mine. It was hard at times and a few tears were blinked away. It was also probably one of the best days of my life. I was very agitated before the chat and felt a lot of peace after it.

They managed to stabilise him last night and today I went in on my own and got to spend four hours on my own with him just chatting and helping him call a few friends and my sons. I helped him eat lunch. It was another great day. He has no pain and the mind and personality are still the same.

Now he is a bit better they will be stricter on visiting (15 minutes) but I’ll savour these couple of days and hopefully a few more for rest of my life.

The prognosis is not great - his heart is old and damaged and I don’t see him leaving the hospital. But these days have been a gift for me and I hope for him.


That’s lovely. A few years ago when my mother was beginning to come down with dementia I made a point of thanking her for all she had done for me, while it could still mean something to her. It’s important to do these things.


There’s an awful lot to be taken from days like these, when you’re living them they don’t even seem that bad or unusual

Take care


That’s a lovely post. Best wishes to you all.


Best wishes, pal.

We never want to say goodbye.


Keep the faith mate, maybe your dad is stronger than you think. Where there’s life there’s hope. Hopefully you’ll get him back home and you’ll enjoy more treasured moments as a family together again. Never give up.


It’s good he’s not suffering, I hope it continues in this way. You’re getting a great opportunity and it’s helpful that you can appreciate this. There’s sadness of course, but to be able to be there for him, share stories and bequeath thanks and heartfelt appreciation to a parent is not something every child gets. Cherish it. And look after yourself.


All the best to ye UM. My old man is young but we had a bit of scare this week… There is a lesson for us all in that post.


Ah yeah it’s not something everybody gets. Easy to get greedy with them too. He has to lie flat so I asked if he would listen to a podcast - would you believe I played a bit of the recent Brian Corcoran one on the GAA Hour :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and he said he would when he gets to a different room. Maybe he was just being polite :joy:

He told me his first time in Croke Park was 1953 Cork V Galway AI Final and he saw Ring


If you see him fading a bit ask him about the abuse Ring gave Mickey Burke, I expect he’ll sit up in the bed for that bit


Hope all ok pal.

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Got to thinking about my da just now. We had a birthday party here at the house last night but my da wasn’t able to make it. Still in the fridge are half a chocolate cake and half a lemon cake. Just after ringing him there a minute ago to tell him about the cake. He’s on his way and will be here in 20 minutes. I love my dad very much.


The Anthony Daly Examiner one with John Connolly might suit him better

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Get him Dalo’s one with John Connolly this week. An absolute gent.