Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

By god

Thanks for all the messages/likes/enquiries about my dad.

We thought he was a goner and would not last the week.

A bit of good news to brighten the weekend.

He’s doing really well now and is walking around and talking about getting home.

Not sure where the road will go but he watched the GAA draw last night and is planning to be in Croke Park in December so we’ll see. He did say he has retired from driving and to cancel the car insurance.

It’s a bit twee but the last week with him has changed me - for the better I hope.

Life is for living and as a wise man once said “Nothing beats kindness - it sits quietly beyond all things.”


Hon Killimor :muscle:t2:


Brilliant tune. Never saw that video before… Pot’s and pans

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Hup ya! Great news bud

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Did that affect their career?? They had some great tunes totally different sound to any other Irish band

That’s excellent stuff :clap:

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Super news lad. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the time with him all the more now

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Was doing a google search there. How effective are face masks.

Typed in how effective and the google suggestions were
Is the pill
Is the morning after pill
Are condoms

Good to see that this COVID hasn’t trumped the old worries

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Try it with safe search on.

That’s based on your search history you sleazebag…


:grin: never seen that before. Good tune though.

My dad came home yesterday from hospital. I was over earlier to see him today and he was ating sausages for lunch and reading the paper. Thanks for all the nice messages and positive vibes etc.

Who knows what future holds but sure nothing is guaranteed for any of us


The lads got me one of these robotic vacuum cleaners for fathers day. It’s a cute little thing that launches off from his charging point at the appointed time, whizzes around downstairs and heads home when finished. There’s a water addition that washes the tiled area when you need that done. A message to your phone indicates when he’s done etc…

I fired him upstairs today and he got entangled in a long stringy yoke (an electric blanket tie) under one of the beds. The phone chirped…
Boxty some bastard is strangling me under a bed…

I’ve called him Packy…


Most mornings I load up TFK and get annoyed reading all the idiots rowing about the same old shite. The morning you posted about your aul boy I loaded up TFK and then called home for the first time in about 2 weeks. That was a great post from you.


Ffs @Tank. You’ll have kids yourself some day

I hope to God they never call me


Some day? Hasn’t he the twins over in Brazil.

Ah yes. Young sherman and tiger

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Only one, Tankinho.

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