Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐


Informative rating for one living outside the pale…

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You should also be aware that Howth Junction and Howth may as well be in two different countries.


I understand. Just like Waterford train station

I think their coffee is the best around by far. Find their samos hit and miss. Usually gorgeous, nice Latin twist but occasionally you’d get some oilfest dripping all over you.

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It’s not the time for negative reviews. We’ve all rallied behind these people wonderfully, no need to undo that.


They’re sound out. They shouted us a free order earlier this month to wish us a happy new year - we stop there a good bit on weekend visits to the beach. Very nice and friendly sorts alright. I must contribute to this fundraiser (but only to the estimated value of the free order).


Another quietish park in that neck of the woods with a coffee option too, is Albert College Park in DCU. There’s a Tram Cafe outlet there now (seemingly it’s a recent enough addition) and there’s a decent playground in the nice compact park. You also have the option of swinging down by Na Fianna to the “Bua” coffee outlet / horsebox on your way to or from (cc @binkybarnes). I’m learning that this stage of parenthood is all about parks and playgrounds at weekends until they’re old enough to turf off to organised sport etc. Then you pass them onto the coaches there and they can complain about parents using them as glorified babysitting services.


Apologies. You’re dead right. I had them do the catering for mama j’s funeral and it was savage.


No time like the present…

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You’ll definitely become a coach

Have you done Father Collins Park yet? Be nice for you to get a cup of coffee from Eamon Fennell.

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Not yet. They do a parkrun there too so will add it to the list.

Bumped for @Bandage.

My job, with had been reduced to checking to make sure lads had a vaccine for a cold and locking up nurses, has been giving me very little satisfaction lately. But seeing a scumbag people smuggler go to prison on the back of work I did really filled me with a warm feeling lately. Nice to actually do something useful for a change


Well done

To be honest it was easy enough. I wasn’t dealing with a criminal mastermind.

The legislation recently changed. Convictions of this nature should become way more common

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Good man. Well done. More good than most of us will do in a lifetime. :clap:

Sitting on the high stool after seeing your county play away, knowing ya toed the fucking line, never got Covid (touch wood) chatting away gaa talk, general talk, and enjoying life in general. Lads, never take any of it for granted, enjoy it all.


What the fuck sort of piss water are you drinking?

Covid might not have got you but that shit will