Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

This forum is essentially a gambling site now. It’s why a lot of big hitters are leaving.

No. You’ll see in my post that gambling should be allowed. It just shouldn’t be advertised. Like smoking.
Willful misinterpretation again from you.*

  • I presume it was a joke mate but you’d have brought it up on another thread at some stage soon.

What big hitters are leaving?

Bookies are not slow to restrict the minority of lads who make a profit. If they applied the same process to lads who lose money, you would have more respect for them. Ads about ‘responsible gambling’ is just optics. Just restrict lads who lose. It’s very simple but they wont do that as their entire industry is based upon consistent losers.


Would you not just fuck off quietly? There’s probably someone out there you can talk to about your ego.


I agree with you that gambling advertising should be banned.

But why would doing so not be part of so called cancel culture™?

Advertising is a form of speech. That’s what the whole manufactured furore over so called cancel culture™ is about. Isn’t it?

That is cancel culture.

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Esteban, Nembo, Fran… to name but a few.

What are you shitting about?

They’re more big shitters than big hitters. Though we still have some big Hitlers.

Nembo Kid left in 2018.

Esteban left in 2020.

Fran remains one of the forum’s premier big hitters. He’s BOX OFFICE.

Because you’re not cancelling gambling. It would still be allowed. You’re restricting it’s availability to the general public. Like drink. Or smoking. You know this, you’ve just decided to be a bit of an arse earlier than usual today. I’d normally be quite positive about this but I’ve a hangover this morning after a few wonderful pints last night. We actually discussed cancel culture would you believe.


Fran has had enough.

You should have cancelled your pints. You’re very grouchy.

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Esteban was a loss alright

You can’t buy shares without proving you can afford them. It should be the same for anyone gambling over x amount a month online.
Everyone should HAVE to set their own limits on their account.
Online casinos, virutal racing and all that bullshit should be banned.
Free bets and offers should be banned
Bookies should not be allowed VIP services etc

Yeah but you would be cancelling the advertising of gambling, like the advertising of smoking was cancelled. As advertising is a form of speech, this falls comfortably within the remit of whatever so called cancel culture™ is supposed to be.

You see I’m not having a go at you here, buddy. I agree with your point that gambling advertising should be banned. I think it’s an absolute scourge.

But cancel culture™ was invented as a concept to protect stuff which is a scourge.

It’s cancel culture™, which is a transparent sham, that I’m having a go at.

Restricting punters who lose is the way to go. You are placing onus on Bookies to restrict punters who lose rather than placing onus on gamblers to restrict their gambling (which is the problem for many). Impose fines on bookies who fail to do this.

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That’s an 8.6 on the vault for you there pal. Savage mental gymnastics altogether.

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