Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

My targeted ads are pushing this fad after googling the product out of curiosity

Oh and don’t forget TFK sells your data to the advertisers too.


Surprised I’m not seeing more pop up ads for echo chambers


In. I hope youre getting a cut. And i hope it goes someway to thanking mrs j for her stellar performance with lemsip, soup, tea etc. We were meant to be going to dara o briain onsaturday…

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Im getting a shitload of did electrical…

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I bought the exact one I linked. The minute and a half of research I did before hand told me there is no difference in them at all

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So I’m having issues sleeping and we’ve changed our mattress 3 times in just over a year,spent north of €1200 on the most recent version, constantly tossing and turning through the night and can’t get comfy, it’s a disaster , anyways sees your post about the Shakti mat on Sunday night after a lash of pints and think this could be the answer to my prayers, low and behold I wake up Monday morning and see an email confirming I’ve bought one costing €70 and she’s on the way. Have I just thrown 70 notes down the drain?


Id imagine not being able to sleep has a lot more to do with lifestyle than your bed

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Mate, he’s looking for a quick fix not some bullshit.


Nap your life up

I’m NAP 4eva

Have you tried….

  • cutting down on screen time in late evenings?
  • cutting down on caffeine
  • sex before bed
  • regular pre bedtime masturbation

Are you in the throes of an affair?

You left out your old staple there Harry me oul flower.

I dunno if there’s enough to go round currently :shushing_face:

Has he tried getting herself to stick her thumb up his hole?

Maybe that’s whats confusing the poor chap?

No. This is a game changer. Wider deep sleep cycle ranges by night, increased clarity and decisiveness by day. A life elevation.


You must mean the demon drink?

You probably bought an expensive one alright but what harm. 100% has improved my sleeping anyway. I had no problem falling asleep but was waking ridiculously early and if I woke at all in the night was no nodding off again. I’m sleeping to nearly 7 now and even last night the young fella came in and woke me at 3 am… Put him back in and throw on the shakti and was asleep in no time… Woke up on the shakti hours later alright still have some marking on my back


I’m pinning all my hopes on dreams on this now. I’m going to cast aside my weighted blanket, my oils and my melatonin. This thing will have me right.