Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

If it doesn’t you may throw your hat at it and give up going to bed altogether


That’s what I did last night. Read a novel (a crappy legal thriller to help me fall asleep). Ended up reading the whole thing and nodding off just after five.


There is nothing accidental about success.


Oh jesus that’s carnage

Weed Drugs GIF

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I must be a ball of stress I’d say

Might be expensive but at least my money is going to support sustainable jobs for women in India as opposed to those some stinky sweat shop in a back alley somewhere in Guangzhou province . Well that’s what they told me anyways before I parted with the readies :grimacing:

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I usually put the headphones on and listen to the radio and I’m out in five minutes.

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Dont tell lies on the internet fellas, theres a lot to be said for a clear conscience. And at least two marriage counsellors advised me never to go to bed without resolving an argument. Advice I’ve held close to my heart ever since-even with regards to tfk. Annihilate the bastards every time. Its the only way.
I sleep like a baby…except for the snoring.

What keeps you awake, is the mind processing shit for tomorrow or what

On that basis there’s lads here who must never sleep.

Probably thinking of new ways to ban maroonandshite.

It muat be hell for them. Drowning themselves in remorse and whiskey. Its no way to live.

Troy Parrotts goal this evening :clap: :clap:

Seriously, improve your gut health. It will change your whole life.

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The best way to improve gut health is a good night’s sleep

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The causes of insomnia are varied and case specific. As the forums expert I feel regret at ignoring logic in the pointless pursuit of a medal in the woke Olympics has tugged a subconscious thread and is the cause here. That and allying himself to the forum bedwetter which eventually makes you question your self worth.


Remember when you were licking Sid’s hole and then he doxxed you. Never change, bedwetter

Poor gut health affects mood, sleep , anxiety, stress , etc. etc… it’s a vicious circle.

@rocko, the key to relaxing is not necessarily through your mind, but through your body. That’s all mediation is, letting go the tension in your body first.

I’ll take that on board and report back if and when I decide to put your advice into use