Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

A spoon of Manukau honey and a glass of keifer milk a day,

Great work from @Thomas_Brady here, unruffled by previous rancour, and non partisan in his concern for @Rocko
The forum at its best.

Speaking of kefir Thomas…you’re probably aware that adding a tablespoon of your bought variety to a cup of milk will produce an identical product… in half a day or so. have a hape of varieties with different bacterial strains. Their heirloom varieties can replicate indefinitely . A game changer within a game changer

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Im led to believe you just remove the blob of culture from the bottle and plonk it into another bottle of fresh unpasteurised milk , that’s how a friend of mine cultivates his

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Unpasteurised? A lot of how tos say to boil it to kill competing bacteria…but that you dont have to if it’s pasteurised. Depends i suppose

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Nah. My mind starts racing but never about real life stuff. But I get to the cusp of falling asleep and this other sneaky part of my brain says nah you’re not catching me out and stops me falling asleep and sort of sneers at my attempt. So I actively prevent myself from going asleep and I wake myself up on purpose and then repeat that cycle for hours.

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Try this…

While focusing on your breathing do the following…

Scrunch your toes/ foot tight for about 10 seconds then completely relax them and feel the tension leave them and how loose and relaxed they feel. Then repeat this with your calves , your quads, your glutes… Feel how completely relaxed your lower half feels, completely free of any tension. Now repeat with your fists, then arms, traps/ shoulders, then forehead, basically bit by bit up your body… All the while focusing on your breathing… Your whole body is now completely relaxed and tension free .

If you want audio for this send me an email address.

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The Breethe app is very good. Worth a try for a month or two.

David Baddiel did a thing on audible about his sleep issues with a consultant who specialises in the area. Worth a listen. One piece of advice was to get up out of bed if you are lying there awake

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You do Cark and Limerick Citaay accent versions?

I can do on request. But this particular audio is from a lovely Buddhist chap.

If I have trouble sleeping I imagine myself on a mountainside, just looking around, if the ‘thought’ creeps into my head I quickly switch mountains, I give them a name,

It’s ridiculous and childish I know but it works for me, gives my head some peace, you might want to familiarise yourself with a few mountainsides I suppose :man_shrugging:

But anybody tapping away on the phone before bedtime has no business asking for help or complaining about lack of sleep, put away the phone :neutral_face:

If thoughts from the day or for tomorrow are intruding on you getting to sleep another good technique is to count backwards from 5,000. It occupies your mind enough to prevent prevent other thoughts coming in and being followed but not enough to prevent you falling asleep.

A properly functioning downstairs jacks. Living, not existing.


Melatonin online from the UK.

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Where you sourcing that? They also have codeine without caffeine over there that I don’t think you can get here, great stuff.

Number 2s in emergency only

I just had a shit there, without fear. The way it should be.


Checked that website for codeine, search results were quite surprising…


Huh! After reading halfway I was expecting to see you someday associated with this noble gesture but……
You, with your connections and credentials might have wangled a gong out of it.

Thinking seriously about it - that old business with the lassie in Wales is still emitting an odour….:wink: