Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Probly the only ones still alive out of a class of 30


Jaysus! Loving that dark humour…

A reflection of guns

A lad with a con saw lobbing off a clamp with an angle grinder this evening on Military Road when I was up getting the messages in Aldi. Brought a smile to my face.


That was @caoimhaoin

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He was halfway through cutting it off when he realised it was an Israeli made consaw so he fucked it in the bin.


What are you on about?

A social revolution.

Was told by someone high up in Tipperary football circles that this lad was very unsociable with his autism. Got following the Tipp footballers, opened up with people, more sociable, now even does a bit of commentary for Tipp fm on matches, all the Tipp footballers know him, he seems like a great lad. And people give out about the gah? Fuck off. Hon Kevin.


He’s a good fella. That Tipp squad were great to him also especially on social media.

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There’ll always be a soft spot from me for Tipp footballers. Good lads, outstanding supporters.

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The 6 of them?

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I did some work with him a good few years back. It got him recording audio for the first time. I’m always delighted when I see how he’s done. A lovely fella, and very well treated by the Tipp panel.


All six are aliases of Cora O’Donovan


I reckon Homelanders character in The Boys could be loosely based on that fella.


You’ve heard of Gomorah now welcome to Begorrrrah

Fuck Tipp

Being born and bred in Limerick. Whether its in front of or behind the monument. City or rural. Being from Limerick is special.


The Cark thing has already been done mate.