Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Whats a cark? Onto the wine thread there mate

Irish by birth. Limerick by the grace of God. A bit of masking tape and a a lack marker and ye can reconfigure the flegs

It’s a dirty wet afternoon here. Herself and the kids have gone back to the room. I’m sitting at the pool bar on my own drinking the arse out of it and perusing TFK.
Ah lovely.

Joan Jet and the Blackhearts playing.


Live update


Champions League Archives on BT, half-hour, runs through that seasons UCL, just the goals and a small description occasionally Reeling in the Years style. 03/04 ending now.

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In Holland today, haven’t had to put my hand in my pocket once the locals found out I was from the same general area as Denis Irwin, I’ve been doing impersonations


We have our granddaughter (15) here for the weekend fresh from her appearance at the Fleadh violin competition for U-18 where her lack of confidence/inexperience/nerves and defeatist attitude may have cost her. I somehow fucked up the remote/TV signal but she lit up our night with her musical talents, her honest views of life (her parents are estranged) her aspirations and general positivity. I was equally open with her, recounting our courtship days, the ups and downs and the hardships her father brought (and continues to) bring upon us. I feel terribly for her and her siblings (2) they’re terrific kids whose affections are being torn apart but such is life…
On the plus side, she has the cunning eye of her Nanny when picking a keepsake…


You’ll be Kvelling for August.

She’s lucky to have you.

Minor at 15 is fair going. She’ll be fantastic.


Bursting with pride about the achievement of someone you love

The K is silent.


As said above @anon67715551 they’re lucky kids to have you as a grandfather


Delighted to give that the ten

Lovely post. Is her father the hi vis man?

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Indeed he is. He’ll come to his milk eventually or he’ll be beat to it.


Listen, you can do no more.

The little woman seems to have turned out the finest.

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Bill Russell’s No 6 jersey is being retired across the NBA. The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association made the announcement on Thursday, permanently retiring the number worn by the 11-time champion, civil rights activist and someone good enough to have been enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame as both a player and a coach.


She sounds like an absolute gem. She’ll be ready for lions den next year.


She’s just that, an absolute diamond. We’ll bring it home next year. :+1:

Out the back, little one in the paddling pool, and have the speaker out the back, playing some great indie, alt and punk tunes. The neighbours that are always blasting Gareth Brooks haven’t got their stereo on yet. If they do, I’ll up the volume.


Just waiting for the youngest to wake and then we’ll be doing the same. We brought the girls scooting down by PuíC around 9 this morning before the real heat hit us all.

About to do the same after she has her 4th shite of the day cleaned up. A little bit of Ibiza house should keep these things moving nicely.


You truly are Roddy Collins bringing the Mrs out for six (6) glasses of Guinness and an Indian last night

Cc @anon67715551