Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Getting the grass cut literally seconds before the rain came. Hadn’t been cut in a month.


I cut mine every two weeks. Got it all done yesterday in anticipation of the rain today.

Ima gonna have to let it go till spring now . See what new life pops up in there between now and March …


I just had a 15 minute nap on the couch there. @Julio_Geordio could well be onto something


I’m telling ya kid, makes it easier to get up in the morning as well knowing you can look forward to a nap.

I’d a 45 minuter today. Been a long week and it only Wednesday, but you’d be restored after it


A senior fella in a place I worked used to have a nap at his desk (in a shared office) most lunch times.

I have a nap every lunchtime, an hour if possible.

Would you fall asleep or would it just be a restful close of the eyes?

Asleep, some days I might only do 15 mins, but about 30 mins is best I think

A pilot mate of mine says the optimum is 20 mins, anything more than that you want to go over two hours. This is so you don’t break the natural sleep cycle. My sleep has been poor lately, I’d love a nap. I’m sure I wouldn’t fall asleep though.

Jesus, I’d be worried if I needed a nap in the middle of the day

Yeah, its really only a thing for lads with real jobs. :wink:


Lads dribbling all over themselves having a nap on the couch during “work”

We’re fucked


I thought I was an excellently proficient napper until I saw a former colleague manage to lucid dream during a 20 minute nap session. That man had his working day perfected down to a fine art.


Maybe if you took a nap you might not be so grumpy

grumpy is good, you sedate motherfucker

We were fucked when they started paying lads good money to drive around the country, swilling pints and selling dodgy chocolate to kids


It’s very common in those cases for the wife to be chipping in a backhander to the company to keep the fucker away for as long as possible.

Yeah but it kind of backfires when she realises that the hubby springs out of the bed on the Monday morning looking forward to the week away