Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

As long as she’s not springing back into the bed while youre away its all ok i suppose…

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She can spring away as long as the shirts are ironed for the week


Deadly. Pm me your address there…

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Just log on to tnder and swipe right. Job is oxo

What? I have a load of shirts to iron?


Why ,is your wife away?


Lovely interaction here and great to see


This is quite disturbing for those International travellers on here. Pretty ropey if your mate has an urgent desire for a nap coming in to the fucking airport innit.

Sure the cunts are asleep the whole flight, those planes fly themselves. The pilots are only there so people don’t freak out about being flown by an algorithm


So inane

Just syringed my ears there. How did I hear at all. Big glops of black wax flushed out.


And you paying a fortune on speakers and earphones.

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Indeed - went to the bad in the last couple of weeks after a couple of flights.

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How did you syringe your own ears? Is there a kit from the chemist or something? Ive never heard *of that.

I may have alerted folk to this before but the driving license fee €55 is waived once your over 70. This represents 2 bottles of Jameson in real terms.


Something like this. 22 notes on Amazon. All you really need is the bottle/pump. Load it up with warm water. Saves 70 quid at the gp and all the hassle of the appointment s etc.

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Had you been softening them up with Olive Oil beforehand?

Jesus I love an ear syringing, a glorious feeling

Unnecessary. Excuse for 2 trips to the gp. Pump enough warm water in and it would clear the Aswan dam.