Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Didn’t work that way for me. Lucky you

The hearing is tip top since

Would I be right in saying once you have your ear titled down so that the water can flow out again that you’d be safe and sound from blocking your ears with water?

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I badly need to get this done, but couldnt be arsed going to the doctors. I’m half deaf.

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you don’t have to go to the doctors mate, most doctors won’t even do it now, only old stocks… there are special ear places will do it, there is one in Douglas for example, no hassle, in, job done in 10 minutes. I have a perforated ear drum from a bang i got a few years ago so I have to get it done every few months

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[quote="estebandaface, post:4951, topic:25193, I have a perforated ear drum from a bang i got a few years ago so I have to get it done every few months

Misses give you an earful for going on the piss for a week after the 2018 final?

And 2020, 21 and 22


Fuck it. Its worth the picture no sound for a while.


I wasn’t in work today, just to clarify

2 weeks of Olive oil treatment at home would see a good share of it shift out naturally

My wife’s niece who lost her beautiful boy to cancer in Dec 20 has had the joy of another baby boy this afternoon. Her mother reports that it’s had an absolutely magical affect on her and while he’ll never replace his brother, it’s a life-affirming experience for them. To quote the Buff - Hail Hail……


Ah thats lovely. The relief for everyone must have been incredible. That pain will never go but it will dissipate and the memory/fact of it is like the kid has a magic brother. Im delighted here thinking about it.


I remember you posting at the time about that. Lovely to hear some good news for this family. Every best wish to them.


Would you clean your ears out regularly with cotton buds at all or would this build up be in much deeper than they’d get at? I’d be fairly into keeping them clean in case anyone looked at me from a wrong angle and got a sight of a dirty orangey waxy ear.

Sticking cotton buds in your(my) ear is one of life’s simple pleasures


Be careful when it comes to your ears lads. Full hearing is a blessing. I’ve only about 25% volume in my left ear due to a birth defect and find it hard when out to hear people who speak lowly, also have to walk to the left of people, it’s a serious pain in the arse. So seriously, be careful.

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Fabulous news God bless them

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Yes. Also one of the most effective ways to block your ears with wax.

The two young fellas Ben & Jerry would be hard of hearing. No joke. Look after your ears lads


I’m gonna say it’s worth it :man_shrugging: