Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Nope. 15 yrs old and twins from Cork. You can still hear the hope in my early 30s voice when I called them that.


Ah that’s brilliant. Good health to them all

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Clare Daly :clap::clap::clap::clap:


She’s spot on there in fairness.

She’s the best of us.

History will be kind to Mick Wallace and Clare Daly.

Mick and Clare clamouring for “peace” now that their Russian pals are having their arses handed to them.


Clare has been clamouring since the off. I know nothing about the other fella.

Mick is a real champion of the working people, except when he’s pocketing their PRSI to buy vineyards in Italy


Agreed rating.

Earbuds are evil cunts of yokes

The same vineyard he hid with his brother when bankruptcy came. A proper prick. Him and the shrew are well suited


She didnt bother turning up when the eu was voting about saving asylum seeker boats in the Mediterranean. Literally couldnt bother her arse to get out of bed to stop people dying.* That vote was carried by 1 vote i think. Maybe nobody was paying her extra.

*FG’s eu affiliate bloc voted for people to die…


:clap::clap:a few days on a construction site would sort out the feckin ‘ napping’
FFS im 63 if I get 5 hours I’m in bonus territory
Mostly 4
Work / Gym etc - keep going lads ffs
If u give into napping at 30/40 ye will be in nappies by the age of 60


And someone else cutting their toenails :smile:

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Daly doesn’t say anything wrong there. You’d just wish she’d slow her speech cadence down and she’d be a more powerful speaker. And don’t run off the stage Claire, give yourself a couple of seconds to soak it in.

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And everything else

And football clubs🙄

You better watch your back, you’ll be targeted as a Putin stooge by the sheep on here.


:ok_hand:era too long in the tooth to worry- as long as one’s statement etc comes from the heart :heart: and is not off the wall - it’s a case of fuck the begrudgers