Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

a scurrilous and untrue remark…

She wants peace, and shes right too.

However, she (and Mick) have been entirely consistant in asking the country being attacked to go for peace. They have not once said that Russia should be leading or trying for peace, but the country being attacked should be the ones to look for peace.

I cant square that up to be honest. Surely the aggressor is the one who should be the one to focus on in trying to arrange peace. All their tweets and retweets are entirely anti ukrainian and very much opposed to Zelenski and critical of him and of any Ukrainian fighting. other than a token mention of “Russia are wrong, but…” they have never been vocal for peace to be brought forward by Russia, the country actually invading. I’m not sure do they see the contrary opinion that they oppose Israels invasion of Palestine, and support Palestine fighting back. I’ve not seen them argue that its up to Palestine to broker peace and its their responsibility for peace?

Whilst they arent wrong about Yemen and Palestine and how other countries have been left fend to themselves, that doesnt change the facts here that Russia have invaded a European country that has applied for EU membership.


Where have we heard that before?

he wouldn’t have bought a vineyard with the 23k he owed re pensions… the 1.4m under declaration of VAT on the other hand,

Edit - I note your clarification



Yep, when you take the context into consideration and see how they’ve consistently voted on parliamentary resolutions (rarely coming down against brutal regimes, constantly citing whataboutery to deflect) and the “independent observer” delegations they’ve been part of where they’ve been useful stooges for authoritarian regimes…they’re some pair of arseholes. Naomi O’Leary had an evisceration of them in The Irish Times earlier this year. They remind me of fictional political characters that have been bought off tbh. The self-anointed peace lovers shilling for the last few years for the likes of Assad and Putin, you literally couldn’t make it up.


There’s geebags like them in every country. George Galloway is a close by example. When the tide went out on Communism the hard lefties had nothing to clothe them other than knee jerk anti Americanism. It’s led them to some very unusual places.


can you point me to where any MEP (Daly included) has said that only Ukraine should be the ones to look for peace?

I don’t know much about Daly’s view on this but what she was saying there is that the European parliament should be pushing for peace, not egging on war, which is what they are doing by the way

She’s on a list in the Ukraine of people who aren’t nice to Ukraine, headed by Zelensky :smiley:

The list, which is titled “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda”, was published by the Centre for Countering Disinformation, a unit within the national security and defence council of Ukraine which is headed by president Volodymyr Zelensky.

This is the hero of democracy, shutting down opinion.

Russia invade Ukraine and these two absolute clownshoes consistently refer to it as the #US NATO Proxy War against Russia. With these two, I’d say their precarious personal financial position left them vulnerable to advances…but there’s an element anyway (as you allude to) of these types lining up against anything supported by the US. Enemy of my enemy type stuff, even if that ends up with them supporting Putin, Assad or Wexford FC.


Well there is plenty of truth in that also.

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People should be free to promote russian propaganda.

You only like your propaganda one way?

I like when discussion is informed by facts.

Facts like this is it?

You like it when a discussion contains facts that sit nicely with your worldview, anything else you claim as disinformation and throw a tantrum

Donetsk and Luthansk declared in 2014 after Maidan.

Russia recognised the DPR, LPR and a state in Georgia on 21st of February 2022. They invaded 3 days later. Those are facts.

I stand corrected, even I can make mistakes.

you fought with me for a few weeks on a fact you had wrong and claimed I was a Russian sympathiser, the whole time you were wrong.

I stand over everything else I’ve said and much of what you come out with comes across as russian sympathising. And while I got something wrong there, you regularly have facts wrong and jump to mad conclusions. EU army etc etc.

Facts you agree with :rofl:

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that’s opinion, I think an EU army is coming, based on the fact they’ve gone against their treaties and gone off budget to provide lethal arms to a non EU nation.
They’re also planning to provide training to the Ukrainian army. Again, that’s a basic fact. There is a EU defence force already, comprised of member nations, again a fact.

You threw a tantrum for a few weeks over the term self-declared republic

As opposed to your alternative facts?