Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

you just called me a Russian stooge. Get fucked for yourself if you think you can claim offense at name calling. Prick

But you asked if I thought you were a Russian stooge, that was your phrase.

This is mind-blowing logic. It really truly is… Where would you even begin with it…

Sorry to have tested your abilities so much mate.

With respect, the more dominant stag isnt threatened by the scent of the lesser stag… You can go mingle with the rest if the herd, but I’ll do the fucking around here.

What surprises me most about your statement is how extremely authoritarian it is and totally devoid of any democracy… That’s the dangerous ground we find ourselves upon and largely what @estebandaface is referring to.

Like @Bandage getting uppity about the use of term proxy war… Even tho it’s been regularly used in the region for nearly a decade, he now wants the term erased. Authoritarians generally start by controlling language… You too are making a fair go at everything youre accusing Russia of being.

it’s better than the fascist and stuff you were calling me up to then I suppose. You’re a nasty, ill informed cunt, who thinks he can say what he wants with out getting any back. You’ll get plenty back here, and there’ll always be enough for you

Oh yes, the time you wanted to stop refugees coming here, that’s fascist stuff alright. You had all your facts arseways that time too. I suppose you think you can say what you want without getting anything back but that’s not how it works around here matey.

It clearly wasn’t fascist. It was a discussion we were having and you decided it was fascist.

You aren’t the boss. You’re a nasty cunt who thinks he is. Remember that


Fucking around is a nice way of describing your nonsense.

Pure an utter, unfiltered arrogance and narcism.

You have some cheek to talk about facts, haven gotten pretty much everything wrong about this conflict, factually of course

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I’m not the boss of anyone and no one is the boss of me. I’d consider anyone that wants to keep out refugees to be racist or fascist or bigoted. If you were abroad in the US you’d be voting for Trump and supporting putting immigrant children in cages no doubt.

And you’d be letting murderers, rapists and child molestors through the border without even so much a second look .


This from the guy that thinks not arming Ukraine is choosing Russia :smiley:

We didn’t arm Palestine, so we chose Israel.
We didn’t arm Azerbaijan so we chose Armenia…

You made a very stupid comment which is indicative of lefty headbangers lashing out when their views are not being agreed with.

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As keynote speaker Lisa Fallon said at the Network Ireland National Conference 2022 today: ‘never take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from’.

Good day to you @Thomas_Brady, you headbanger.


Lisa sounds like Putin

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A neat trick for shutting down discussion… Kell surprise

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only saw your response now, and I know the thread went a bit mental in the meantime.

I dont follow Daly on twitter to be honest, so I’m not sure of any of her actions. But I follow Mick. I know him well and I’d know his family very well. His tweets for the past few months have never once mentioned Russia going about peace. All his tweets that mention peace also contain war machine, NATO, proxy war, or various versions of the same. He has repeatedly retweeted pro russian journalists and other items that cast Ukraine in a negative light. He has never tweeted anything negative about any Russian action. He has never once said anything about Putin should be looking for peace, but he has said about Zelensky should be looking for peace.

Mick is being a complete hypocrite in all of this. And as has been said earlier, he is taking the view of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Mick has long hated USA and its wars and NATO and all that brings. And he’s perfectly fine to do so. He is also perfectly fine to question Ukraine and its democracy and how it was conducting itself as a country prior to this. But he has firmly set his thoughts on that it should be Ukraine brokering peace, and not Russia. The country being attacked and not the aggressor. But he doesnt do the same for other persecuted areas. Simply because Ukraine has had close ties with USA.


Like you, i have no idea what Mick and Clare get up to ordinarily, including their tweets … I’ve only seen a couple of Clare’s speeches at the EU parliament and they’ve been spot on. If they’ve been carrying on like you’ve outlined then that’s totally contradictory to their supposed stance.

A pair of Russian stooges.

I was talking (briefly) with the Mam & Dad there this evening and to say the vibe was exhilarating is putting it mildly. They’re absolutely ecstatic.
I threw in the line above courtesy of @Juhniallio and it dawned on them like a bolt from the blue. I shyly confessed it wasn’t my own work but the work of one of my internet pals who’s a kind of a psychotherapist……:wink:

They’re in terrific form. Thanks for the kind thoughts folks.