Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Are you serious? Its not like the US didn’t fund and direct insurgencies fought by everyone from drug lords to islamic fundamentalists (former goat herders and shepherds) to genuine bona-fide card carrying self-proclaimed nazis.

Lovely hurling, and nice to see you get things back on track on this thread.

@Juhniallio is certainly a man of many talents



Ill fix ye yet…

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This is where we are now. 40 years of softcocks infiltrating Academia, Media and the Civil Service and if you dare mention immigration/Refugees you’re a piece of shit Nazi fascist.


As long as said refugees/asylum seekers/migrants don’t show up near them and then it’s we didnt sign up for this. Somebody else’s problem.

I believe that we have an obligation to take those in need in, but in a functioning democracy all topics should be debated and not shouted down.

No, you have to agree with those that say let it as many as want to come in and “we” need to accommodate them. Just not near my gaff.

When you read your post back and read the one directly above it, then taking note of thread title, do you still find yourself willing to invest as much of yourself in the debate?

I’m surprised and, selfishly, disappointed by how heavily invested you’ve become in quarreling certain topics of late. These back and forth quarrels have consumed your contributions at the expense of your wit and insight in threads I’d prefer see you in.

The forum is far, far more fun when your typed word is on what’s within your own eyesight or the shared moments or thoughts you recount with reflective hindsight. Theyre among the best contributions I take from this place and actively seek out or look forward to. For example, that rarely told tale of the boy of only 15 years taking the field … (you can take it from here)

Serenity, courage, wisdom. Lighten up amigo.


What were you on last night


He’d a wild dose of clarity for himself at 4am anyway…


I think @glenshane kidnapped him and stole his phone


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Cheech got chonged


It was a beautiful ode.

Aw man, that finale


out visiting the folks this afternoon

My mother tells my aul lad to tell me what the doctor said to him about his potassium levels.

“I asked him what the prognosis was - Death he says. It’ll be quick.”

(The levels have since come down).

He’s now here beside me listening to the Killimor manager being interviewed on Galway Bay FM while giving out to my sister she has too many shoes like that Marcus one from the Phillipines.


Will there be a game at all? Damien Howe not going to the match til Sunday :grinning:

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Monday Club #champofever


Give that another go boss. It seems in your excitement you hit upload too early…

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