Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Maybe if you stopped going in others might come back


I hate people with a passion. Working in an office is hell. Making small talk in the canteen or at the fridge… I really just want to scream at these cunts and tell them i don’t give a fuck and to FOAD.



Yeah I’m a real people person so just seeing the joy in people’s eyes when they see me in the office really gives me a pep in my step.


Would you not be happier on the couch 5 days a week in your jocks and a t-shirt atin bowls of Cereal and whatnot and just moving the mouse around every now and again on the laptop?


This is nearly the best part of WFH. Save a fortune and eat better as well.

Food waste in our house is way down since WFC. Plus no petrol. I’m a green machine @The_Selfish_Giant

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You earn plenty of money I’d guess, the 20 or 30 quid you save a week from eating lunch at home would barely register I’d say.

Be super ironic and poetic if sturgeon ends up sharing a cell with a convicted bearded six foot deviant who recently hopped aboard the trans wagon.


Suits most people I’d say. Sure if you want to head into the office any day it suits grand but the lack of expectation is a huge plus

I tell you what, I really don’t know how anyone spends time in a car. Id to go to elland road Monday night to pick up a pal. 3 hours (including Maccys drive through and waiting etc), Tuesday I took hoppys yeti to Rochdale for a quick service whilst I was at work. 2 hours, then two drop of and pick ups (another hour). Yesterday I went out to alderley for coffee with Aido and Matty. An hour. I felt sick after each. I’ll avoid cars wherever possible from now on. I absolutely hate them.
I had a dream last night that my oul bronze Adonis was running round a carpark out of control because I’d lost the key. It smashed into a Renault scenic parked up in the corner and mashed it. I awoke feeling horrible and was greatly relieved it was a dream. Commuting by car is a mugs game.

and you waste all that extra time posting shit on here


There are six self checkouts in the two lidls near me. Often they’ll only have one regular till open. Recently I’ve noticed a trend of cunts with full baskets using the self checkouts. There isn’t even space to put the stuff on the checkout. One night all six of them were blocked that way.

Guys should only be posting here during work hours.

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I spend about an hour a day on TFK and the rest I waste


You’d be mortified for him

fagan with an incredibly eloquent way of telling BIAT to go shit in his hat

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As if Fagan was an Artur Daley type with a trilby…

i was thinking more fagan than arfur


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I would occasionally come into town in the morning rush hour on the Dart. At that time of day it’s a safe reliable service. The traffic from the North Bay Area into town is incredibly bad in the morning because of roadworks in Fairview. One thing I notice about the Dart at that hour is the almost complete absence of alpha males and females, the lads and lassies who work in middle and senior management and professional services. The passengers are largely students and school kids and people going in to work in service sector jobs.
You get into town and look at the cars inching along and at least 50% of them are largely high end and single occupancy. It can’t really go on like that.