Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

It can’t. It really can’t. Hopper I’m trying to get his licence, but he shows zero interest. My brother lives in London and he says none of the kids there have any interest, they all just rent a scooter to get about. Time to start kicking cars completely off commuting and into city routes imho and let them fight for less space amongst themselves should they wish. Electric buses, trams, bikes, ebikes, scooters and walking should be enough for everyone.
In Dublin this should go hand in hand with professional class residential skyscrapers. 15 minute neighborhood.
Car clubs then as needed.


In London there was nothing remarkable about the professional classes taking the Tube to work. In Waterford if you were seen on a bus it would be assumed you had been caught drink driving.


Jimmy Nail has let himself go.

They should ban goods vehicles completely outside certain times as well.

It’s the same over here and there is an excellent public transport service. The traffic evaporates when the schools are closed. A lot of people have moved out beyond the suburbs where there aren’t as many primary schools. All the „good” secondary schools are in the dead centre of town. I’m five minutes walk from a tram stop and it wouldn’t even register with me to take a tram usually because I’m dropping kids off at school(s) on my way to the office. Might use it in the summer though or even better, cycle.

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Any city in the world with an underground system - it’s the easiest way to travel. You’d be mad to try any other way really.

Buses and trams are for whatever reason not as attractive to people.


Good man. Well done.

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Your hands must be cut asunder from tying steel. A cunt of a job.

My €0.02 worth based on observation & LIVED EXPERIENCE is that some people started taking the car since Covid, as they might only be in once a week.

They reason that it may take longer but, as long as it’s not outrageously longer, it’s worth it. You don’t have to put up with some smelly fucker coughing up his lungs adjacent to you on the DART. You can listen to your podcast or whatever in relative comfort, even if progress is slow.

Additionally, I know some places that previously had limited car parking space availability have now opened it up to more staff. It might previously have been assigned to senior types only and it was offered to lower ranking staff in part to entice them back into the office.

So it’s kinda related. Breda in accounts, who was petrified to travel on public transport because she didn’t get her third booster, now drives in & uses the HR director’s space because HR only come in on a Tuesday etc etc.

Less people in absolute numbers travelling to work but a greater proportion using their own cars rather than public transport so the traffic situation is still bad.

I personally always take public transport because I’d be afraid to try park in one of those tight basement car parks. Another complicating factor is the move to more casual attire in the office means some of those sharp-suited lads from 2014 are now blending into the background on public transport. Inconspicuous navy chinos with a light blue jumper & so on.


It’s quite an existential battle trying not to be noticed cos you hate the awkwardness of communicating while also wanting everyone to know how important you are as a high mid-level/low senior level manager type.

I carried enough of reinforcing steel back in the day. Was never trusted to tie it though. Above my pay scale

Thanks fagan. That means a lot coming from you, genuinely.


Trapped between two types of awkwardness

I hope that’s just the bit of foundation for the island

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Fair enough about the coughers and snorters - I was sitting beside a lad one morning who had rolled up a tissue and was twirling it methodically in his nostrils to clean them out. Like FFS. All the way from Sutton to Connolly.

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Why the raft? Are you on top of rock?Get that poured tomorrow before the rain,I hope the plumber is there ready to go.

A raft foundation is a thing of beauty.

It’s strange, every house in Galway is built with a raft. Nearly all in Limerick are built with footings. There’s no real reason for it. The timbers can be reused for the rafters as well and you’re not pricking around waiting for a blocklayer

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looking well!

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