Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

It’s a pity we can’t just round up these scumbags, @Enrique and the likes, and ship them off somewhere to make room for more sound refugees.

Those ceremonies are great and great to see these people becoming citizens. This is the type of process that should be encouraged

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Great stuff. Ireland is far from full.

Hmm. What does that remind me of.

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Well done @flattythehurdler fuck the begrudger

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He’s not really. He’s only ballhopping.
I hope.

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Last night you were telling us that Gemma O’Doherty was right.

You’re some man for a pivot.

Years ago people did think thoughts like this but they had nowhere to publicize them. That’s the difference


Social Media, giving a voice to those who shouldnt have one, nor shouldnt be heard.


Imagine if The Link Walshes father had access to social media back in the day


Even 3 or 4 years ago with twitter etc in full flow you wouldn’t have seen the same level of straight out racism though. Not all anonymous accounts either. Theyve been emboldened

This is why bot farms exist. If bot farms can drown out reasonable comment in a torrent of hatred, real hatred is emboldened and piggybacks on it, and then real hatred increases because real hatred is suddenly seen as the “normal” opinion.

The INTERNET promotes mob behaviour. Even if you look at this forum, the whack jobs all group together to spam the place and don’t put themselves in a position where they can be challenged about their whack job ideas.

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Big difference between organised and controlled immigration and whats going on now. We should encourage immigration through the correct channels.

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So you can select the ones you want. Will it by colour, creed, religion?

Qualifications, skills gaps and criminal history really. Australia does it

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The Liverpool fans? In fairness they mostly stick to Man Utd threads.

Hows that working out?

What do you think is going on now?

Fair enough, but didn’t you post some far right whack job theory about Ukrainian drivers less than 24 hours ago?