Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Watching united continue to circle the drain

My youngest had her first ever go games football match v St Sylvesters out in Malahide this morning. I spotted her having a fairly animated chat with her marker towards the end of the game. On the way home in the car I asked her what they were chatting about. “She told me my hair smelled nice so i told her what shampoo i use. Then we talked about Irish Dancing and Easter eggs”.


Thanks Shane


I learned something very unsettling over the weekend

It’s nearly ramadan lads. One of the greatest delights for the senses in Dublin was sitting in Iskanders on Dame St back in the day and groups of friends or families waiting for the moment to break their fast.


Iskanders was the business. Proper kebabs.

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Yes, pity it shut down. Zaytoon stone cold sober is no comparison in quality.

Of course it was. Sure oul mr Iskander invented kebabs. We went to a proper iskanders in istanbul with the brother in law. They melted about a half a small pack of butter in something like a gravy boat in front of us at the table then poured it up and down all over the kebab. It was absolutely unreal and disgusting at the same time. We only got through half our kebab each id say. The small in the airbnb when the turkish bro in law reheated it all the next morning nearly put me off my whiskey.

We had a couch in the house we needed to get rid of. Literally couldn’t give it away on done deal. My mother does a few hours in local SVDP shop and they found someone who needed it. They called last night and took it away and the mother called back an hour later looking for a box of toys. A woman with 3 young kids living in an almost derelict farmhouse that she was overjoyed to get…literally nothing in house when she got it .the mother and her cronies in svdp kicked into gear and in a few hours they had fueniture, loads of towels and bed linen, a TV and shit load of toys. A family they didn’t know who were not in Ireland that long…zero judgement just did the right thing…it’s a great country


Unreal stuff. Great to see pull people pull together

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In fairness, you get that in every country, even here.

Probably. Just an antidote to the Ireland is full rubbish that you’d imagine was in every corner of the country if you let social media guide your thinking



I’ve another couch if she wants it.

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Those old couches are too big to move.
You’d want four young men and a truck.

Ireland is full of cunts to be fair :grin:

Fair play to your Mam and those women. There is plenty of decency and kindness around. Some of our nastier elements make more noise and it can often drown out the good stuff


I read this as Ireland being full of couches. Which it probably is too. Couches out.

I hope the cunts are still there^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1767636844563350004|twgr^49786617d5193c32d1511b1964fc0c5a5e1d0b08|twcon^s1_&

Can you really be classed as horsey set if you don’t drive a 4x4