Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Wouldn’t happen at the ploughing

Alright horse, pull ya out for 20 lids.

I assumed that was the ploughing in Laois.

How is the aul Cheltenham going lads? @caulifloweredneanderthal @kyle

I was reading yesterday that tv viewership is down, bookies trading is down. It seems no one cares about it any more. Split season innit

Have the English gotten sick of the lads?

Had to mute a Whatsapper I’m in with a few of the lads from work yesterday. One of the lads kept sending on photos of betting slips and tips. Apparently he’s ‘winning’, but as we all know, it’s the house that wins eventually.

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Thankfully I am not a gambler but if you were that way inclined surely Wolverhampton or Dundalk is the way to go - not the biggest racing festival of all.

:man_shrugging: It all means nothing to me

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Oh, Vienne

Its full of the Mark Landers, bulging waistlines, pint swilling types. What’s not to like.

Shots fired @Spidey

would he smell of Joop?


Betting in general is for chumps.


That was some genius of a song

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Some amount of money being lost this week by lads who should know better.

Its not an addiction though as one fella assures us.

It’s “fun” apparently

There was a chump on here advising a lad who was looking for savings/investment advice to put it all on some fellas punts at Cheltenham.

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Thinly veiled “I put all my savings/ investments on some fella punts at Cheltenham “.