Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I wouldnt go into the horsey threads much myself, but a browse of the Cheltenham one this week tells a sorry sorry tale. Act 3 tomorrow will surely see it turn around.

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excited homer simpson GIF

The Cheltenham crew used to be right up there with the rugby crew when it came to the “most painful cunts ever to pass through an airport” stakes


Are they not one and the same?

More Flat Caps with the horsey set, in spite of the airport being indoors and quite warm

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I remember having to get the Quick Park shuttle bus out of Dublin Airport in March 2019 and it was loaded with horsey set cunts roaring to each other about their few days. It was the worst 6-8 minute journey of my life.


Going by the news headlines all there was a horse that made a big boo-boo at Chelty today. Now he has previous form in this regard, but has also shown an ability to shake these errors off, so you’d be optimistic that in a personal sense the horse can bounce back from this. I just hope his mistake hasn’t cost fellas a lot of money - that’d be a terrible cross to bear.

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I think they love the horses so much the money side of it is pretty meaningless.

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The thread mute function is useful at this time of year.


One of trainers appears to have pulled a stroke today.

I’m told the horse is distraught and considering his jumping over fences with a tiny fella on his back future

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Is he a jump risk?

I was told the last race was a 1/2/3 for the Brits.

Arent they all?

Unusually high tides. I love them. Came out of the gym there and my beloved high rock was underwater. Waves lapping up to the sleepers on the beach. Fantastic.


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Kayleigh gets the horsey set



Ah he was tremendous fun

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Jason Smyth.