Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

It never gets old


Played my first competitive Gaelic football game in 36 years today after retiring at U10 level. Legs are wrecked now but by God I hit one young buck a cracking shoulder late on.

@Monkey_Allen and I managed to score 1-5 between us but we were edged out by a point.


That’s the type of form that allows you turn up at the Dublin Masters squad training


Masters isn’t for me yet. I’m still hoping to make the senior panel. Just need to put a string of performances together.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, can it be really considered a sport if a middle aged fella can show up after a three and a half decade absence and be top scorer in a match? You couldn’t even do that with golf sure, and we all know that’s not a sport.

Top scorer?

I was lucky to sit beside the Sigerson great at the match yesterday and he gave me a few pointers. He’ll take much of the credit for my performance I think.


Typical of @Rocko modesty, that he is underselling what was the most sensational debut display since Paul Butler got his first start for Ireland.

Our opponents were well aware of his reputation from his under 10 days and used some dark arts to try put him off his game. But a punch to the pills was never going to stop @Rocko from showcasing his raw talent.

Obviously we can’t get carried away after one outing, but I’m fairly confident that he will change Gaelic Football and redefine the right half back position.


From a debut point of view you’re saying it was above Paul Butler but below Paul McShane?

It had bits of all the great Pauls - Butler, McShane, McGrath and Chuckle.

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To me

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But no daniels?

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Not a lot


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Butler only played a half of football for Ireland right?

Jobs for the weekend on Gardeners World. Is there anything better.


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This is a great initiative from GAA clubs. Started in Raheny but there are loads of Dublin clubs running all star programmes now. The gaa is at its best doing this sort of stuff.


There is something similar in rugby where its called mixed ability. Special needs people where red scrum caps i believe but play with non disabled people.

The world cup for this was held in Cork last year or the year before. A colleague of mine whos young fella has down syndrome plays with Sundays Well and he was telling me about it. He absolutely loves it, the father wouldnt be into rugby at all but got involved due to the son. He was always raising money for the team tbf


Mickey Harte winning big games in Croke Park

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