Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

Never knew this story before. Mad stuff


Given the amount of redneck.cowboys in the audience, hkw did that bullock not get sprayed by multiple assault rifles, shotguns and revolvers?

Cause it was a light skinned bull.

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Athletics last week and the Euros starting tonight. There’s something very calming and nice about having live championship sports to dip in and out of each evening during the early summer - as a back drop to a couple of beers or just pottering about and getting ready to sit down and watch it.


Proper knock out sport.

GAA have diluted the fuck out of so much that it’s rare to see games that really matter. The 2 games today intertwined with the 2 Euros games made for a savage sporting afternoon and evening. Proper stuff.


Rhasidat Adeleke’s social media - beautiful scenes

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Bird returned to owner

Bees in the box tonight in co Limerick


And now that you’ve trapped them you kill them is it?

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I’ve just got a lock up.* I never thought i was missing out or anything but the feeling of pulling the Berlingo in through the gates and firing open the shutters is life affirming. Mrs J is also very excited about it.

*storage facility



Storage facility?

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I bid 4-fiddy

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Offsite doghouse


For making pipe bombs.

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You can sleep in it the next time you’re bold.

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I’ll take a key

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Top level major international finals football commentated on by George Hamilton.


On the train from Claremorris to Dublin here. A woman got on with a young lad about 10. I’d say he has some sort of autism and is a bit of a handful. He called his mother all sorts of names and wouldn’t do anything he was asked. She kept telling him she would tell ‘Pat’. Eventually the ticket inspector arrived into the carriage and the young lad ran to meet him. Pat the ticket inspector gave the young lad his ticket puncher and brought him with him checking and punching tickets. It was only then i noticed the boy was wearing an adult sized iarmoid eireann shirt and tie so this obviously is a regular occurence. Fair play to Pat. A gentle sort in his earlys 60s with a thick mayo accent.

The young lad obviously has a fascination with trains. He is rattling off timetables here behind me and telling all and sundry he is going to go to Berlin to visit the biggest train station in Europe.