Just got elected to local office in Virginia.
She’s the one that got sacked for that isn’t she
ah lovely. good enough for the musk cunt
Finishing up in a few minutes until Tuesday - American football tonight and birthday cake and then baby naming ceremony this weekend with all the family around. I might even have a couple of beers Sunday night watching the Pats.
Wheres that on?
Mrs O’Sullivan’s mansion.
It’s hardly in a Catholic church?
Would be a big blow for the atheist hard chaws.
We got these guys in for catering - their food is delicious.
It’s a humanist ceremony.
Are you allowed to do that?
Yeah, this isn’t the 1950s when you had your first.
He’s spoofing.
It’s on in the local church in Montenotte. I read the announcement in the Irish times.
Light a candle for all the childeren who never got to experience the same due to abortion
Will ye have a pretend First Communion as well?
I don’t think educate together do first communions? But yeah, we’ll cut out the fairy tales and get everyone to throw her a few Bob.
Why just abortion? Let’s not forget the likes of the babies in the Tuam and other concentration camps around the country.
Abortion clinics?
No, the Catholic concentration camps your kind ran for decades. No surprise to see you are clueless about them, you only deal in make belief and fairy tales.