Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

I beat the odds and got shut down. I couldn’t be arsed with the borderline fraud involved in having bought accounts

If you lose money betting that you can’t afford to lose just stop.

Addicts can’t stop. Don’t ever mention mental health on here again. You fraud of a man

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You’ve the exchange and shops. beating the odds and being a professional better are two Very different things. Loads of people can beat the odds. You said hardly anybody can.

You can’t be addicted to betting. You just can’t accept being made look stupid.

You can beat the odds with discipline and a strategy, neither of which you seem to possess. And that’s only in the short term, because they’ll limit you or shut you down.

Unless you have very deep pockets and can coerce others to do bets for you, you cant make money out of it.

If a bookie shuts you down and you’ve to buy accounts or get lads to run for you, then you’ve a gambling addiction

I’ve made more betting in the last three months than you’ll make in an entire year.

You must be some whale to be allowed put on bets that size

Or else you use an exchange. As I said I haven’t studied addiction but in my opinion people addicted to sex, gambling and this sort of thing are by and large frauds. I saw one case of a fella who wouldn’t gamble sober but when he was drunk he’d lose his Bolox. He couldn’t stay off the drink for any length of time. I Did feel for him alright but I’ve come across too many guessers who’ve lost money and then said poor me I’ve a gambling addiction.

Id also argue people who bet for fun or sport are in trouble in the long run. You should only bet if you are informed and imo that can be a slippery slope as I’ve learned.

Addiction isn’t about winning or losing.
Its about the need to have a bet.

Same as alcoholism isn’t about how much you drink but the reason you drink. If you HAVE to go for 4 pints every night, you’re an alcoholic

If you HAVE to gamble every day, you’re a gambling addict, regardless of the outcome

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Ok that’s fAir enough. I’m open minded and will look to learn more about it as I won’t pretend to be an expert on addiction.

Im going to disagree. Nothing wrong with a lad have a bet as a bit of fun as long as its not regular. Many lads go the races and would not have a clue about form but its a day out and will have a few fun bets.

Similarly lads might have a bet on all ireland final day etc. These are not addicts. Its a social thing with mates.

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Ok. Lots of lads are talking shite here but you need to back the fuck up here @artfoley. The Sound of Music is a fucking brilliant film.


Ah here.


Maybe but I think it could lead to a slippery slope it’s something I’ve learned myself not to do. I see some people betting on something they are watching regardless of the sport and imo that isn’t a great idea and can become a bad habit. Losing money and not enjoying their pastime.

I, along with a lot of people here, would think your opinion on this is absolute horseshit.


Yes but that’s the beauty of having an opinion. You don’t have to take any notice of it. Yet it seems to deeply annoy you - which isn’t my problem.

I learned about it through experience mate. I’ve seen addiction up close and personal. It’s not pretty. I have many vices and I work very hard on myself not to let them tip into addiction because i have tendencies.

I’m addicted to this place, for my sins. I know i shouldn’t post as much as I do, but shur fuck it you say, its harmless. That’s my tendencies

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