Things that make you a cunt

working in DFAT makes you a cunt, bunch of twats

Never a truer word spoken.

Pal has overtaken Bud in Glasgow.

Pal would be more middle class, certainly less downtrodden.
Bud you’d usually get offa lad in a rangers Jersey from ten years ago.

Bud was very common in working-class Dublin, pal is now catching up. I’d never say bud because it’s a Dub word but I like saying pal to randomers because I feel like it’s not as Dublin-working-class specific and it doesn’t mark me down as anything in particular.

Calling your son pal or bud would be another thing altogether.

Would you throw in a “mate” now and then to wind a lad up.

I’ve taken to calling my (< 1yr old) son “buddy” - no idea where it crept in from. I’ll need to completely reconsider now in light of this thread. Not sure what to replace it with.

Think i suggest @smallback at the time. His birthday soon? There was a momentous day when half the forum had kids on the same day last year??

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Ha! My missus might question the origin of that though :see_no_evil:

Yep - 1 next week. Some year - simultaneously flew by and also hard to remember what life was like before. Fantastic though.


I don’t want to get decked

Buddy is a perfectly acceptable use if used in the right context. I’m not for turning on this


Here @anon61878697, have you any terms of endearment yet for your little one?

My one is and always will be sweetheart

If she’s a wan she’s a Norrie,all southside girls are ok dolls

They are in me hoop. Sorries are as bad as norries

Bud bud

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Nothing as sad as a sorry norry though

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Rare as hens teeth them

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Jesus you fucking tyrant…buddy…you prick.

I call my young fella buddy too. Shoot me


Ah lads — We are in the middle of the holiday season - is some of the hate on here necessary?

I think buddy or even pal is fine for your young son…

I’ve a pet name for her alright but it’s not of the standard ’ sweet heart/ darling/ love variety. It’s just something we called her and has a bit of reference to a name in Arrested Development’s - Everyday people.

The pressure of getting his haircut has gone to @Batigol’s head it seems