Things that make you a cunt

I stand by my assertions in relation to the calling of one’s son “buddy” and I think I’ve been fully vindicated in light of which posters have admitted to doing same


Calling anybody buddy or pal in Ireland is wrong

If you’ll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal,
I can call you buddy
And buddy when you call me
You can call me pal.


That’s that then.


There is a village in south east Clare where pretty much all the male inhabitants refer to each other as chap.


I’m with @tallback on here. I’ve been calling my two little chaps “buddy” since birth. No real idea why I started it but nothing wrong with it.

Calling a child “pal” is odd alright.


I had this inflicted on me when I used to work for a neighbour of yours many years back.

U wot m8??

Pal in Dublin started off between lads who played a decent level of soccer, maybe a few LOI games and had trials in England.

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Brit influence

Only chap in Clare are the leather variety :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You always see these cunts in queues for planes with their kids talking to the kids like they were their mates. What usually happens is the kids go on holidays, don’t get disciplined, get free reign and end up “hanging around” with the parents. BACK OF THE HAND!!!

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Wearing a “peaky blinders” style cap for any reason whatsoever unless you are over 60 years of age


Cc @Joseph o Brien & @Johnny Murtagh

I wore one to a funeral recently. Two people commented on me having a fine cap.

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Be a FG supporter


I kinda knew a lad from Clare called Chappy. True story.

Chaplin is a name that crops up quite a bit in Clare

If any of them deal hash I hope they have the wit to call themselves Chapo


Or try to tunnel across the border to Limerick.

I’m sure sure you took it off at the appropriate time too. I haven’t a head for hats but I have a flat cap I got a year or so ago that works grand. I only wear it the odd time, it’s kept in the left pocket of one of my coats. It’s the kind of thing thing that if I don’t lose will only be better by the time I’m 60.