Things that make you a cunt

Tyrone never fail to embarrass

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You’re a mind reader…or a cattle whisperer

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Vv good, my late bro in law the bollox ( in a nice way)used to lash the chocolate into mine, the bollox, making up for lost time( H blocks) they used be fucking destroyed and he’d waltz out the door
big kid himself

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Feckin hell

Well that bollox anyway

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Bang on boy they’ll remember him as a kindly granda , that’s what grandas do best

What does your username mean?

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Asked that before

Great bit of wummery. The IFSC will be seething.

Opera singers “entertaining” from balconies during lockdown Fuck off, nobody wants to hear that shit while they’re having their tea at home, and it’s just a desperate attempt to go viral by these types anyhow.


He just can’t spell. You’d realise that after reading some of his posts.

That’s also one for the “people who are giving me a pain in the hole” thread

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Ah, they’re not all that bad. We used weed beet as young lads during the summer holidays. An opera singer used live a few fields away. She’d start her practice every afternoon. Chords, scales, vocal exercises. It would break up the afternoon for us. It’s amazing how their voice travels in the open countryside with little else going on. Same as it would travel in lockdown cities I suppose.


Lettuce turnip the beets.

Is that a line from an opera?

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It must be

Well they could stay in out of their balconies and practice.

I’m only guessing but I’d say they need wide open spaces to “throw” their voice, if that’s the correct term.
