Things that make you a cunt

Iā€™m glad the second day trumped the first day


Did he remember the spot where he bought some drugs?

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It wouldnā€™t bother me to be honest. Iā€™d be sorry for the poor divils what they have to put up with. The child isnā€™t crying to get my attention so I can just tune it out.

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getting out for the few hours might be the only thing keeping them attached to some form of sanity. if you want to eat in private order in.

Getting pissed off about having to share a public space with other people is so bourgeois


So if youā€™ve a kid screaming inside in a restaurant, you make no attempt to stop them screaming? Youd


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Whatā€™s going on at another table is none of my business. If it was that unpleasant, which it generally isnā€™t, i can get up and go somewhere else.

The person with the screaming child isnt having a good time at your expense mate

Oh you asked about me?

No, Iā€™d try and make my child stop crying and remove them from the environment, not to keep some cunt i donā€™t know happy, but to comfort the child

As ever I can only speak for myself, and itā€™s true for me.
As I said we always did what we could not to draw attention to ourselves but weā€™ve had a few eventful restaurant experiences in the past, hair going on fire etc, mostly we felt bad for the people who had to clean the table and floor afterwards so we always tipped well,
So now when a kid is behaving badly or crying me and the missus will mar dhea tut tut and have a laugh at their expense


Is that what happened you :grinning:


I can imagine @blackjack calling him a cunt and he trying to put out one of his kids

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I had reason to call into the bank yesterday. The woman in front of me took a call while the teller was trying to explain something to her. Absolutely cuntish behaviour



Thereā€™s a good friend of mine who constantly takes calls while heā€™s talking to someone else. He continues the conversation while youā€™re on the other end of the phone and 10 seconds later youā€™ll get a ā€˜Hello?ā€™. I started hanging up straight away and then heā€™d ring back and say ā€˜Were you looking for me? Why did you hang up?ā€™ He soon got the message.


can you be a cunt to a banker?


my missus is a terror for that, drives me mad, i give her 5 seconds before I hang up


Something that drives me mad, I worked in retail for a long time and itā€™s something I noticed in my colleagues as well,
When youā€™re a customer in a shop, and the salesperson is dealing with you, the phone rings and they answer it??
Jesus Christ, Iā€™m giving priority to the fucker sitting at home rather than the person in front of me :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:


I see what you did there :wink:

Chevy behaviour

I wouldnā€™t consider a teller a real banker as such Cyril

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Ignorance is bliss - seemingly
The fucker

What a load of likebait twaddle.