Things that make you a cunt

Height of ignorance. People that are cunts to people working in service industries never worked in it themselves. A couple of months working in a bar/restaurant/shop will humble you to be a better person


Thatā€™s an absolute fact

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Iā€™d blame the child for crying, personally. Ignorant bollocks

Pillowcase and a river. Itā€™s how I taught my 3 to swim.

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Playing music/taking calls on public transport without headphones. Becoming much more common place and accepted. Also doesnā€™t just apply to the dole merchants, 4 yokes from a company based in Shannon(couldnā€™t make out which one) on the train to dublin the other day did everything in full earshot of the whole carriage. They were talking big numbers so obviously it was designed to impress the plebs who were forced to listen in.


I canā€™t take a call without headphones?

Short calls absolutely but ones lasting from Thurles to Kildare are pushing it a bit I think?

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By god

Do calls with headphones make you talk louder?

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Golf, Horse Racing & Rugby on the three domestic channels right now.
What a day to be a cunt.



Iā€™m not even half a cunt going by that metric thankfully but plenty are awful cunts in here if using same scale

I am most certainly not a cunt


Doorley reckons Oā€™Carroll is a cunt. Hard to know where to stand on this one, given Doorley himself is a massive cunt

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doorley was a mate with gaybo. cunts beget cunts. also the choice of language for his post is cuntish.

oā€™carroll did the hard yards back in the day and gives back generously, so id be a lot more inclined to give oā€™carroll a pass than doorley

Maybe oā€™carroll was too poor to go to the same rugby games as Doorley. Apparently thatā€™s a thing on here

I used to love the early seasons of the restaurant where Doorley and Tulio would blind taste a glass of wine, and be like ooh yes thatā€™s an excellent French Merlot. This chef really knows their wine and it would turn out to be a bottle of Chilean 120 or some other shite.

Think they stopped doing it in later seasons they were making such a show of themselves


Discussion of the supposed merits or non-merits of wine is the ultimate emperorā€™s new clothes.

There are two types of wine - drinkable wine and plonk.

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Doorley is a cousin to one of my next door neighbours.

He turned up to one of the family funerals (in rathfarnham, saw him myself) but not to Limerick or Wexford for others.