Things that make you a cunt

Youre bang on and whats more laughable is that Tom Thumb himself was the so called wine expert on rhe show.He couldnt pick his nose.

As regards Brendan OConnor,I was at one of his sat night shows back in the day and straight up he was some craic off camera.
One thing did strike me and that was his hands.They literally never stooped shaking when he was talking to us during ad breaks etc.Twas fairly noticeable in fairness.

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Have to agree with you. I was up there about 8 yrs ago about a DSI thing, so we were backstage and green room etc. Chatted to him briefly and he was the finest.

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Yeah he came across as a really nice genuine person,I found.A kind of nervous shyness to him.

That Doorly looks like something that lives in a swamp ating frogs.


Brendan O’Carroll guys, O’Carroll

BOC (O’Connor) was in UCC when I was starting there and he was a legend on campus, very well got


Oops :rofl::rofl:

Like a few others here, I was once in a Brendan O’Connor green room. Seem alright sort. Nicer than the guests that night anyway.

The green room in RTÉ was a huge let down.

It was. I did polish off a nice bottle of red on my own in there all the same.

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homer simpson episode 3 GIF


A personal connection from before he was famous :man_shrugging:
BOC was just one of those heads that everybody knew, used to hang around the common room playing pool but was also involved in some be of the debating societies I think, used to busk around Cork city as well,
If he had run for student president he’d have walked it

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Would have been a serious achievement in a proper university like UCC


My sister was on winning streak once, was filmed in the afternoon, I didn’t go into the studio because one of the kids was a baby so I stayed in the green room,
Met Billa and Brady and Dunphy as well as Marty
I was able to watch all the premier league games live, that’s what I recall most


They blackguarded him dropping him for that plank D’Arcy

Did your sis win much?

Born in Cork shure. A lotto winner already.


About 50 grand I think
She won a car but took the money

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I was out in the RTC today and they’ve done a grand job on it, you’d nearly think you were on a proper University campus

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They have done a great job on it alright some great RTC around the place now Tralee , Waterford, the two below in Limerick

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