Things that make you a cunt

What years? I lived in common room playing pool for guts of 6 years and never came across him.

Iā€™d say he was there till 94
He was often around the common room, he had a great mate that played cards with us as well, heā€™d often sit down and look at the cards though heā€™d never play.
He was only middlin at pool though the standard was absolutely savage

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Makes sense. I started 94

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Youā€™ll have played me alright, I hung around another couple of years

Met Brendan o connor in the guest list queue for the prodigy around 94. Complete wanker - pulled the ā€˜do you know who I amā€™ card trying to jump the queue.

Yep, i find it hard to believe that someone so associated with the sindo isnt a cunt, like all his opinion pieces suggest he is a dick


Lest we forget

The Cark support is strong tonight


Met him once he was surprisingly down to earth and very funny


Yikes :see_no_evil:


Putting your bag on the seat beside you on public transport. Was doing a bit of business in Harmonstown this morning and I got on the Dart into town. The only free seat in the carriage was occupied by a bag belonging to a lady of crusty demeanour (she seemed to have taken her style cues from your man in Haysi Fantayzee). Not just her bag also her coat and the inevitable reusable coffee mug ( why canā€™t people drink their coffee before they leave the house ). I loomed over the seat but no she didnā€™t budge, stared at the floor. Eventually I had to say Ah here now Iā€™m not standing so you can spread your gear all over the carriage and she grudgingly moved her stuff off of the seat and I sat down.

These cunts gamble that most people are too timid to ask them to shift their gear. Which they are but Iā€™m long past that stage.

The cunt opposite kept taking his phone in and out of a ziplock plastic bag? Wtf? It was like it was a piece of crucial evidence from a crime scene.




:clap: :clap: :clap:

Seems a bugbear of yours


He was there 87 to 91. Good lad. Big Stone Roses fan.

Yeah he was sound

Why canā€™t people drink coffee before they leave the house? Why canā€™t they make a sandwich or a roll for lunch before they leave the house etc.
Someone spots a gap in the market and off they goā€¦


Driving down the slip road and joining motorway traffic at 60kmph


Is that too fast or too slow?

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Too slow bud, youre merging with traffic doing 120kmph. It happens all the time and is very dangerous.