Those Funny Things That Boggers Do

or burst lads with a showlder…

Give a lad a “flakin”

lowering the blade…

Give a lad a “dunt”.

softening lads coughs…

Deliver a “skelp”

horsing into lads or horsing lads out of it…

“Buuuurst” a fella.

“opening” cunts up…

Give a fella a good “hidin”

bating all round them…

Christ, just read page 3 of this thread and the exchanges between Puke and Rubber Johnny. To paraphrase Eamon Dunphy after he witnessed that interview between Eriksson and Garth Crooks during WC2006, ‘That’s the first time I’ve seen two men have sex on!’

Boggers also drive without tax and insurance.

Open up “gates” in a ditch wherever they like

stop and read every planning permission notice they see…

Drop bales on roads after not tying the load right.

fix holes in ditches or fences by throwing a skeough* into it.

how do you spell skeough? one of those words you pronounce but dont know what spelling it is. I know Skeoughvosteen in Kilkenny is how you pronounce it tho, so presume a similar spelling

No idea.

We’d usually just throw a pallet into it, if we were adventurous we might even tie it to something.

use wavin piping to bate cows home

Break a fork off a bullocks back driving him into a crush.

A ‘‘joult’’ may also be administered to a young lady.

‘‘Jaysus, that yoke isnt as stout as she was, I wouldnt mind her given her an oul’ joult’’