Threats of Violence on TFK

You’re from Carlow/Wexford mate, I wouldn’t be toying with the words pecking order.


You’re two of my favourite ex pats lads, lets shake it off.

I don’t think that anyone on here is downright nasty. All you have to do is look at responses to threads where someone has suffered a loss or isn’t in great shape to see that.

Apart from the fella from the North (now departed) possibly.

I feel I attract a lot of negativity here, obviously it’s my own fault because I presume nobody sets out to dislike somebody, but I guess I can’t help that, I probably don’t have a great filter with what I post.
But it certainly gives people a license for people to respond to me in a way they wouldn’t with others.
There are a number of posters who have nothing but negativity towards my posts, 99% of whom I ignore. But it does get me a bit down from time to time,
Being physically threatened by somebody who could find out in a couple of minutes who I am certainly isn’t nice, that was a difficult night.
Now there’ll be a lot of eye rolling at this post but it’s honest (in my opinion).

Honestly, I have no animosity to anybody here except for 1, he knows who he is and why.

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If you’re threatening physical violence to chaps on a forum, it’s time to ring UPC, cancel the internet and buy yourself a button phone.


dont worry mate. a lot of us detest @padjo too

agree with the rest though, imagine taking this place seriously


Being basically reasonable and consistent in your views drives some lads demented altogether, I’ve actually come across it in my time as well.

That’s the awkward squad for you though.


You’d a poster, who I think has since departed, who was absolutely obsessed with you. The fella that was using your image or dog or something in his avatar. That was perhaps the weirdest behaviour - and there’s plenty of weird stuff here - I’ve witnessed on the site.

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Patt your Ladd I think it was.

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That’s the fella.

If you treat TFK as like a sport, then sledge away on the main forum, fire abuse, take abuse, etc. Put don’t take it beyond those white lines. No need for fellas to get personal or taking stuff offline. We are all supposed to be grown ups.


Lapsed poster apple crumbled had an awful obsession with him for a while too.

I might be completely wrong but I get the impression that Apple Crumbled matured a bit over the years and has become a better person/ poster as a result.


You fucking want some?

@Esteban went off the deep end alright

Indeed, how could I forget Batt.
The thing is that he would have gotten sick of that quite quickly if he wasn’t hoovering up likes by the bucketload every time he had a random pop at me, he was more than a bit mental.
@applecrumbled took grave offence at a quip I made one time about gambling the farm, a common saying that he hadn’t heard previously, got very bitter, accused me for a long time of mocking his father with cancer, then set out his stall that I was a danger to children, that was strange but it’s over now, I could write a book, certainly a thesis on my time here.
But I keep coming back, day after day :open_mouth:
Thanks anyway for the words, I have a policy of not saying anything online that I wouldn’t want my wife or kids to see, because who knows what will happen in the future, or if I go on the offensive I think I can justify it.

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Agreed :+1:

He was one of the biggest weirdos to ever grace the forum …didn’t he follow BIATS up and down Knockfierna one day and remind him his tax was out of date on his car or something…


@Batt_the_Ladd is dead?

With who?

In fairness there were some very low, passive aggressive, personal and snide remarks ditected at the young fella, all while playing thee innocent victim…as you’re well aware

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