Threats of Violence on TFK

There were indeed some remarks made, absolutely, but they were coming from both sides and what I took was a lot more serious than what I gave back, but you’ll ignore that of course,
Ancient history now anyway.

Ah, you knew rightly you were getting under his skin…fellas knew rightly what you were at

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Look, I’m not a complete doormat, and you’re clearly seeing this from one side , which is what I’d expect
If I was getting under his skin you can be sure that it was in response to something, many things in fact

An old drinking buddy of mine was in a relationship with the local hardman’s daughter. He challenged her aul fella to a fight one day, half-jokingly and his retort was, ‘I only fight real men’.

I know, but the lad was clearly suffering. A better man would have let it go in those circumstances, not twist the knife

I actually don’t know what you’re talking about anymore?
While my own mother was dying of cancer he was accusing me of mocking his father with cancer, I never said a word about his father,

Is there something else you’re getting at here? I just don’t know

I wonder why you bother replying, that fella is as odd as Patt my Lad.

Best just to leave it

Why do you engage though? People see they can wind you up and go to town on it.

I used to be similar years ago but mellowed and realised none of it is worth it and if these faceless people want a victory on the internet let them have it.


I dunno, that’s what I am I suppose, I often say to myself not to reply to something but then as the topic moves on I’ll weigh in with something,
If I was sitting in a pub and I had a point to make I’d make it whether it was popular or not, of course in a pub people are more respectful of alternative viewpoints.

There’s nothing wrong with that but it’s when it gets into personal stuff - time to give that a wide berth.

Halcyon days


It’s okay bro, if you need a place to lay low for a few nights don’t hesitate to ask. :+1:

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:smiley: this made me giggle a bit. Don’t ever dream of moving house if that’s the case.

As Farmer suggests in his question, Don’t engage. However, engaging and commenting on the forum should be the norm, not condoning harassment. But PMing shite and such is quite ungentlemanly to put it simply.
Keep it real BIAT, the place would be less entertaining without ya.

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with likes as a barometer of something . Stick up a picture of a woman with her top off and see the amount of likes you’ll get . That should tell you enough .There’s also lads here with multiple aliases liking their own posts .


What i meant is that if somebody calls you a thick cunt in the pub they’ll do it with a bit of class, banter etc, otherwise you wouldn’t keep their company

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Giving something a like is complicated, but if you like a post which says ‘FUCK OFF CUNT’ then you are encouraging it, Batt got lots of likes for those sorts of posts, and kept going. Everybody notices those kinds of things

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Ahhh gotcha

Woah lad, steady on.

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Now now :sweat_smile: