Tipperary GAA 2021

Logue and Tommy McGrath would’ve been yer main men. McGrath I think was one of the few on that 06 minor team never to kick on. He was hurling in Dublin recently with Oliver Plunketts.

Ah yeah I’d say nearly everyone off those teams played senior for us at some stage. Was just a pity our older lads were coming towards the end when the younger lads were coming up. Tommy is a free spirit, also an accountant up in Dublin which wouldn’t lend itself to hurling

Was Logue hurling in KK recently?

Yeah, the Rower. An eejit

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Adrian Cleere is/was a very good player.

Yeah was probably our best this year in fairness. Ian Ivors was our best player off those teams though, never got as much credit as others outside the club as he didn’t get much of a run with Tipp (think he was on the extended panel on his last year u21)

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I think he was on the intermediate team Deccie Corcoran captain to an AI in 2000

Thanks, yeah Logue has a reputation alright with lots of stories. Always found the one about him up accepting the Fitzgibbon cup (09 in Parnell Park) with Shane O Neill the best. He wasn’t part of the panel at all but ended up beside the captain in his full kit. John Terry was only in the halfpenny place beside him.

Ye have lost a few lads to KK clubs. There was a Dara Walton lad who was a lovely corner back who ended up with Graig Ballycallan.

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Corcoran was a great hurler. As good a club player around in the late 90s

He was. There was a bit of the divil on him too.

Yeah, nearly bet us on his own in the inter final in 94. Split Pat Fox in the process. A lot of underhand stuff needed to quiten him that day.

Which club are ye talking about here?


Did English start him in a league QF or SF v Clare but he was gone from the panel by Championship one year?

That’s my recollection alright. I think it was a league semi final in 2001 in Ennis vs Clare or Galway. Don’t think he touched the ball.

99 Semi-Final v Clare in Limerick. He played a good bit in the League that year.

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wasnt Nicky English club Lattin\Cullen junior?? Nicky had UCC of course

Nicky got them from Junior up to Senior eventually in 1996 but he was half gone after that and they didn’t last long up.

Think they beat a John Leahy Mullinahone team to get from Junior to Intermediate around 1989.

Yeah they were junior alright for most of his time. They’d traditionally be a football club. There was a famous junior county final vs Mullinahone in 88/89 where both teams were dragged there by Nicky and John Leahy. They won that and subsequently won the inter in 96. I think they only lasted one year at senior. They are a bit of a joke of a club. They would have good underage teams but lose them to cider and tractors. They joined up with Aherlow a few years back and are now a lower end intermediate team.

Nicky hurled a load of years Fitz for UCC when they won 8 in a row in the 80s. It’s a good chapter in his book.

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The Lattin/Aherlow Gaels are now Junior A but didn’t make the West Final last year.