Tipperary GAA 2021

Kyle Hayes for an all time great had a few goes at hitting points unmarked from 70 yards on Sunday and couldnā€™t figure it out.

How do you think what you just reiterated there is not implicit in what I said about JOā€™D?

Iā€™m talking about the skills of the gameā€¦being able to apply striking, catching, blocking, hooking, short and long passes, soloing and fending off defendersā€¦right down to basic skillsets of risimg the ball.

Finn, Hayes and Hannon can all do things faster and more effectively than Ronan Maher can in my opinion.

Maher is strong, well able to hurl and a good defender but those 3 are elite.

The discussion was on skill levels. You said JOD is the most skilful. Thatā€™s clearly wrong because he canā€™t perform many of the basic skills. If the discussion was about best striker or best touch it would be different.

Ah Maher is also elite in fairness. Heā€™s just not as skilful as Hannon.

He was doing a Ray Cummins on it. He felt sorry for ye.

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Ronan Maher can do all of those things to an extremely high level, heā€™s just slower than the Limerick lads mentioned. As @peddlerscross said Kyle Hayes had a good few shots on his own from about half way the other day and hit them all wide

Weā€™re talking about skill levels not a long puck competition FFS.

None of the regular pundits or journalists will post such a piece for fear of damaging the Jackie Tyrell opinion of letting the game flow (basically no rules).

If it takes a poster on a forum to raise the issue then so be it. Limerick would have won this years all Ireland in any case.

Striking is a skill mate, one of the most important ones. You didnā€™t answer my other question about what skill Hannon does better?

And has Ronan Maher never hit a ball wide. This is the same Kyle Hayes who hit 4 points in an All Ireland final 3 years, when the game was there to be won, and he just after turning 20

The fact that the mot skillful hurler in Limerick Ronan Lynch isnā€™t on the Limerick panel at all tells you all you need to know about Kinnerk-Ball and what they are trying to achieve.

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There is a difference between being able to perform something and being willing to perform something. JOā€™D is more than able to hook or to block. He just is not willing.

Arguing with someone who has exactly the same view is rather pointless.

Yes heā€™s a great player. His skill level is certainly very good but not out of the ordinary at intercounty level and his USP is his athleticism

Could the premiervue lads bring Ronan Maher over to the adare pitch and engage in a combo feile skills/long puck contest to settle this once and for all?

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Would they have won four in a row if they had RL aboard?

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The ban is still in place.

Yes, heā€™d do the same job as Hannon and would have been a better option v Kilkenny in 2019 at Centre Back.

New sponsor ā€œMurty Browneā€™s Pubā€

On pure wrist work/hurling.





NMcg >GH


9 Tipp
3 Draws
3 Limerick

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